Monday, December 21, 2009

Hw 31

Well, I discreetly asked a family member a question of status. I asked the person, why do they curse so much? Is it to show that they are tough? Funny? Smart-ass? The person was at first surprised and to shy to answer. Eventually the person said that they do it because it's in their nature. To me, I didn't believe it. I know this person to watch to much MTV and movies where there is always someone cursing their mouth off. I feel that this person really wants to become like them, so they act out their part and try to follow this role model and hope to become like them eventually.
The only thing i really act out is how quiet i am. I don't really like to talk and it can be interpreted as me being mysterious. Me, i have watch all those movies and crap like that and I would say i have become unknown. If i don't want to be seen as acting like someone else, then who should i act like? If there is no me, then who the fuck is "me"? Yea, this confused me, so i just act like nothing, or at least try to act like nothing.
I guess another way to look at this is that I'm all that meaning I'm too good to be someone, i can be myself by acting like nothing. This is another way to look at how i act. Sometimes I act like a douchebag, getting all cocky and making smart remarks and i know that this isn't me but i feel like this is fun every once in a while.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

HW 30

I believe that "cool" is nothing more than a teenager perspective of things. As kids, most of us, can do nothing more than to attend school. For kids, school is their life: their job, hangout, source of education, everything from knowledge to prison. And because most of life's wonder: doing new things, driving cars, having sex, etc, are restricted to adults, what else can a kid do? I believe "cool" is like living. For instance, if a person works day and night and does nothing else, it wouldn't be considered "cool." Same concept applies to kids. We play these roles, genius, athlete, doctor, badass, rebel, philosopher, princess, etc, because they were portrayed by adults that we want to become or at least wish to be. Some people would call this filling a gap in our life, to get attention from certain or all people. We, kids, want to play this game, a game played by everyone, and for everyone, to become heroic as Abe Lincoln, or as creative as Beethoven, and so many more people. People say that they want to be happy, but i seriously doubt that. To me, these roles played by people, is nothing more than playing a video game. To add on, I think that the bottom truth of it all is because we're bored, and I don't mean just teenagers. Everyone gets bored of their roles and eventually grow up and find a new one. You know the saying "A man dies a hero or lives long enough to see himself become a villain"?(I cannot find the origin of the quote.) This game of playing roles have been going on for years to come. The man just decided to change roles, from heroic to villain. There is always role changing. Even as I watch Ripley’s Believe or Not, there is role changing as this man who dreamed of becoming a Tap Dancer, instead decided to become the best limbo player. Everyone is playing this game, it’s rated E for everyone, even when there is sexual content and use of alcohol because anyone one can do that. It’s a game, every role has to follow their rules otherwise they are not playing their roles. And as soon as they get bored of playing the princess or minion, or boss, they move on to do other things. I believe that boredom makes us play these roles, some people get stuck and choose others to fill in the gap, such as religion. Other choose to fill in the gap with whatever, they become whores or idiots. But in terms of “cool,” is a way for kids to cope with their life and cool can be anything, because people grow up differently and in many places will have different ideas of what a cool person is.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

HW 29

I don't believe for one second that people act like themselves. If you compare how teenagers act with their friends to how they act with their family, you will see two completely different people. Merchant Of Cool states that we see over 10,000 advertisement by the time we reach the age of 18. With so much influence around, we become the reflections of mirrors. The mirrors being that the media show us whats cool and we respond to it by acting it out. Its like we are the actors and actresses of a play whereas the media wrote the script for us. If the media shows us what is cool, we quickly try to become it so we would fit in with the thousands of other people who are reacting just as quickly as us. I also believe we all want a part in this play, we all want to be recognized by what we do from certain people such as our parents and friends and people we envy. But I don't believe there is anything wrong with this because everyone is looking to be something and we'll get answers from anywhere. Seriously, we'll take any answers that will guide us to be what we want to be, well known. Some people get answers from money, books, television, friends, and religion. All these methods have become ways to become well known and everyone is doing it.
According to the Merchants of Cool, all they do is feed the cool stuff back to the teenagers. Its like in Fight Club where they make expensive soap out of the fats of people and sell it back to them. These products, because they are suppose to be cool, will ensure all eyes on you. And because of this, anyone who is insecure about themselves will copy these traits and hope they get good attention, and quickly abandon their old self. The Merchants of Cool also knows that cool wares off as soon as people discover them, so they quickly try to find the next cool thing before it is even cool to the teens. Since everyone is looking for attention, and teens spend a lot of easy money, marketers know to invest on popular teen products.
I don't think there is a way to completely ban advertisement from teenagers because advertisement comes from all shapes and sizes. For instance, your friends can advertise their shoes to you and you won't even notice it. Or you read that your favorite idol does a certain thing, and suddenly you like it. There is no proper way to completely isolate ads from teenagers unless you put them in one of those white pillow rooms in those insane asylums. Otherwise teens will be exploited to thousands of ads to come.
Yes, i do believe that Rage Against the Machine, Mos Def and all bands that creates songs like them about the bad cooperation and so on should never make a deal with them because it contradicts with the music they made. If they actually fight for what they believe in, then they would not have give in to the people they were fighting against. So them signing the contracts means that they are just looking for money, and they don't care about their message.

Monday, December 7, 2009

hw 28

How I meet your Mother is a television show about a guy telling his kids about how he meet their mother. One guy who i thought was cool or trying to play the role of a cool guy is Barney Stinson, played by Neil Patrick Harris. Barney portrayed as a womanizer who leads a life of randomness. Although not the main character, Barney takes the main character around places, mostly strip clubs, but often makes the main character do crazy things. Barney portrays the free willed cool guy and even though he can be an asshole at times, this makes people want to follow him around more.

Jeff Bayer., Fitness Specialist, Every Monday. Seems to be like the example that Andy gave for HW 28, except i think that more people follow this concept. On Andy's website, it tells you to not give a damn about what people think of you, and to do things your way, i.e. be yourself but nobody does that and even if they do, its hard to tell. This site, as much as i hate it, seems to be more accurate. It tells you how to be in the middle of a pack, and tells you how to make the least amount of mistakes when looking cool. It tells you how to interpret how people would see you if you do something wrong, and teaches you tricks on how to please someone without over doing it.

Alan Who. 2/16/09. This looks like it was posted from Nickoloeon or something. First off, it tells you that no matter who you are, your cool, then it contradicts itself by giving you a list of whats cool. Anyways, this list says that being cool means to never lose your cool and to learn from school. goth kids are never cool, always obey the law, always be nice, and explain yourself. This is how Alan thinks cool is.

Krystle C., Nandita Singh, Lucas Halbert, Joli, Leona, Mark, AlienBoy and others. This site is about how to be cool in school. It tells you to not, like all the other sites, not be so hot headed, and be nice, and be clean, and have your own style and have a little humor. These tips are more specific for school and if you want to learn more about how to act cool, just click on the hyperlink know that blue link. If your to lazy to find it, ill just paste it again right here ( There we go.

Scott Christensen. 1995. Anyways, i got bored of looking up things that makes you cool when they are just recycled crap, so i took a different approach of "cool". Did you know that there are other "cool ways" too? Not just how to be cool in school, there's how to be a cool role model, how to do cool things, and finally cool ways to die. I've just read some of them such as the "Bullet in your head" or the Death by Seinfeld and i wonder, how are these things considered cool? Is it how hard they are to attempt? Or how it will look to other people? Are these "cause of death" cool because they have the word cool entitled just like the many other things that are labeled cool because people find them cool? If this isn't cool then how much can we trust other people when they find something cool?

Overall, there is no way to seem cool to everyone. Just like in Alan Who's document, you're already cool, to some people and best to find them too. No matter what you do, piss off the principal, become a lapdog for a girl, do something extremely illegal, you are cool to a certain type of group that can be found anywhere thanks to the internet. All these repeated nonsense about being cool is just an act, just like in How to be cool in school, forget what you think people will think about you. think of them as a worthless human being with no future if it helps being yourself. And that's the only method i agree with form all these sites. Any other method it more like how to be a celebrity because it teaches you how to deal with attention. If your an attention freak, follow the steps, otherwise don't give a damn about other people, just deal with your own life.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

HW 27

Richard: Sir, do you have a moment.

Some Guy on the Street: Sure

Richard: Who do you think is cooler, Obama or Bush?

Some Guy on the Street: Whose cooler? Um..i would say Bush, i mean its cool that we got a black president, but Bush as funnier.

Richard: So funny makes someone cool?

Some Guy: Well a lot of things are considered cool. I mean Obama is cool in his own ways because he thinks about the people and Bush is cooler because he is funny without realizing it.


Richard: Hey can i talk to u for a minute?

Friend: Sure what do u want?

Richard: wat does it mean to be cool?

Friend: wat do u mean? wat do i think is cool?

Richard: Sure

Friend: i think cool is being urself

Richard: do u really believe that?

Friend: i dont kno

Richard:...ok wat to u is cool?

Then his internet connection died...


This is a family interview...sort of.

Richard: Hey, what do you think is cool?

Family Member: Why are you asking this?

Richard: School homework

FM: So...why are you asking me?

Richard: ummm...yea...


Richard: At least answer this, who do you think people should live their lives?

FM: I don't know, let them do whatever they want.

Richard: So your philosophy is let live? Even if that meant killing people?

FM: People are doing it today aren't they?

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

HW 25

to dinorah,

This was a really great short story. At first i didn't have a clue what was going on until the story progress and now i can't stop laughing. I really like how you emphasize the phrase "i should have said no," this made the story a lot more interesting as though something else could have happened if the main character was being himself rather than someone he is not. It also has a nice twisted ending that i thought the main character deserved.

to bao lin,

Your story portrays whats it like nowadays. As soon as something is cool, everyone wants to try it. This seems like a game of "follow the leader" and right there, Pahko lost his title when he himself decided to try something new and was beaten by a class clown, Eddie, who he thought was loser. This story shows that the "cool system" can change dramatically and anyone caught doing something stupid can change from being the best to being the worst.

to arden

I liked the beginning of your story very much. You seem to put every little detail in describing Dakota, not only what he is doing but his surroundings too which made him all the more stand out from everyone. I like how you made a background story of Dakota without telling such as, Sally giving him the pencil and looking around the class to see if anyone noticed. That right there you can interpret without telling that she wants to feel "cool" and thought by interacting with him, it would make her more noticeable. In the end, you yourself seem to think that assholes are cooler than a guy whose friendly to everyone.

to devin

Wait a minute...isn't this the story the class read when we were in the cemetery? If not then i like how, without really asking, portray the question "who is really the cool guy?" Because even though Harry sacrificed himself for this...jerk-off, only three people in the story knows about this. Everyone else will still think the main character is the cool guy while Harry is still hairy.

to esther

This was a rather different story then what i have read so far. Instead of taking place in a school, you took a different approach and made the setting their home. If you see this kids as cool, the none of the aspects of cool kids is that they have a little conflict with the mother. What i really found funny is that the only cool features seems to be that this kid surfs the web, is uncaring of this expensive luxury and that he has a schedule he seems to lack in following. Not only that but the kid seems to be in control of a vehicle even though he can't drive one, showing some form of dominance in his family.

These stories that i have read were rather interesting in their own ways. Patterns i noticed about he story is that it always starts out with the person (assuming that they are the cool one) who is cool. Never does it start with a nerd who turns cool, nor does it start with a person with nothing and becomes something. They always start either cool, or semi-cool as in they are somewhat noticed already. Another pattern in many of the stories is that they all have a sidekick. For Bao Lin's story the sidekick was Shawn. For Arden's story the sidekick was Sally. The most interesting sidekick was Devin's story where the sidekick was Harry, the unpopular kid. He was a sidekick not because he was really the only other character but because he acted like one in the end, sacrificing his dignity for the wicked.
Another pattern i noticed is maybe jealously? Not the main characters themselves, though maybe some of them, but in most of the stories the main character, cool and awesome personified, loses there status in the end by some random person that is never talked about. Why i think this is a form of jealously is because, this sort of reminds me of the seven deadly sins, one being envy. The reason why it is considered a deadly sin is because envy turns into hatred and jealously very quickly, because when you envy someone, you always think to yourself, "why can't that be me? why am i not burdened with his/her looks and mind?" And such thoughts like these we tend to picture the person, who we envy most, suffering. And that's how most of the peoples story end, in suffering. Another small thing i noticed is that every cool person is a guy.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

HW 24

A story about a man who is poor. He's poor because he doesn't care about money. He doesn't go with a particular name, changes every time. He's a philosopher who wants to know the answer to the question "why" in its most basic form. he doesn't have any rules just to do whatever make him happy...and i mean whatever. He doesn't care about the consequences he will face, he's willing to try anything new. Overall, he doesn't take anything seriously. He doesn't take drama seriously, he doesn't take romance seriously, he doesn't take death seriously. The problem he faces is self destruction. He's so open minded, yet he shuts himself from society, that he develops split personalities. He talks to himself, he thinks to himself, he creates his own world, and questions societies way of thinking. How would world peace look like? Is it really good? What's the point of living? Is Earth a place that prepares us for the afterlife? Is there even an afterlife? And in the end dies. In a note he left behind, he wrote, i have tried everything. This is just another experiment.

Monday, November 16, 2009

HW 23

What the hell makes something cool? The idea of "cool" has no solid meaning or example because it changes. Cool use to be when a person is rich and is able to get whatever he or she wants. Now it seems like being a minority is cool. "cool" can change not only during a time, but it can change from different places are well. Whats cool here may be viewed as being an idiot or a fool in another place. And of course people have different views of cool as well.
Like someone said in class, "being cool is accepted being different." If you act different or see things differently, the only way you can be cool seems to be if you are accepted for it. Otherwise you are viewed as weird, an oddball, etc. I also feel that being cool is just pretending. All those movies and television shows say that in order to be cool you have to act like seems like a coincidence that all the people everyone around them look up to them.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

HW 21

First a little bit about the picture. I started this art project a week ago and worked my way up from a draft of this art. I took the concept of Wall E, how every human being did everything on the network and their bodies rendered useless. SO, i guess this idea of a future would be a few years after Wall E. Everything is done on the internet, even jobs. Because bodies are useless, I decided to make use of the body, and drew them as slaves. Without a body, most furniture have become useless and soon its not about how comfortable people are but how their houses look. Without a body, dresses are only for the slaves, and with the internet shoved into their minds, just like Feed, wigs became popular. Bodies do simple house work and other simple task such as a personal accountant, or a carrier person, etc. I would say that this is a hammer. It brings up the question if people want to live like this, we'll...would you? I won't judge.
To be honest, even though i tried my best, in the end of it i didn't have much time to clean it up and I was afraid that if i try too hard, i would've ruined the entire thing. And the picture, i don't like it as much as the idea of it. I think that this is the funniest picture i have ever created too with the headless people and all. But i do feel that i have worked harder on it than i would have.
The most interesting part about my drawing...i would have to say how disturbing it is. I looked up other disturbing artwork for some kind of suggestion on what to draw, i watched Dark Knight and the only word i heard from it is "Maddness." In the end, disturbing arts and madness created a baby called insanity.

Monday, November 9, 2009

HW 22

Richard Y

How can the use of technology help us experience things when it can only provide fake simulation?

Technology is growing faster and further each day and bringing along all its perks. Many people would consider the technologies growth to be extremely expensive for such worthless materials and that one day it will take over our society by brainwashing us into submission much like the characters in Feed by M.T. Anderson. Or we become so use to how convenient the internet brings us that we become indulge by the internet and become slothful just like the people in Wall-E. All of these do seem like a fair fate by how kids look today, they play games, watch television, text with their friends almost 24/7. But when you look at the adults, they have a little more self control, work comes first, unless they have a family, then comes personal pleasures, or free time. Adults learn to push their own needs aside for others, and most adults learn that kids should be spending more time on education than anything else. So where did that huge transaction come from? I think that adult learn to make use of their childhood experience with representations and not only found what they would like to do in the future but made use of the digital representation for careers. Digital representations are useful, it helps people experience things and it offers new perspective and points of view by making them realize things.

A yes or no question is asked by someone who limits ones answer and expects the them to pick one of the choices. But life isn’t simple a yes or no, and nowadays people in gaming industry realize this. Games such as Fallout 3 isn’t an everyday game where one is given a task and a specific order on how to carry out this task. No, Fallout 3 is a game about players growth, it’s a game that teaches players that they have more choices in their hands then they realize. In fact, one can probably complete a task in about seven different ways, or more, including the choice of not doing the task at all. Fallout 3 is not like a Mario game where one can just run through the course without having to look back. The game will make one realize what they have done and will either reward them or make them regret their decision depending on how they see the outcome. “Another important statistic tracked in the game is karma. Each player has a total amount of karma which can be affected by the decisions and actions made in the game. Positive karma actions include freeing captives and helping others. Negative karma actions include killing good characters and stealing. Beyond acting as flavour for the game's events, karma can have tangible effects to the player, primarily affecting the game's ending. Other effects include altered dialogue with NPCs, or unique reactions from other characters” ( In Super Mario Bros., the player turns into Mario, the jumping Italian, but in Fallout 3, the main character of the game becomes the player. The developers of Fallout 3 tried to make the game as real as possible, so it feels like the computer generated person the player is talking to has a history and whatever the player do to the person feels real or seems real. This game teaches the players values and consequences of their choices and action while forcing them to think about what they have done.

Virtual reality training, a simulated reality in where one plays a certain time, setting, and task, is the best way to achieve any firsthand experience. Many VR training are programmed to gives one a fake reality in order for them to experience things that might be too dangerous or too resourceful. This sounds like a video game, but VR training isn’t about killing, looting or saving a princess. Most VR training, serious ones, are designed to give users firsthand experience of the kind of job they wish to apply such as becoming a coal miner, a pilot, and a police officer. Not all VR training are specifically for jobs, some VR trainings can train someone to become a parent, drive a car, train a dog, and how to survive an occurring disaster. But the company that funded a lot of time and money on VR training is the military. With so much to prepare for, they have a simulation for every possible scenario that the soldiers might encounter. They have been using VR training for a long time, and continues to use them up to this day with constant upgrades to their program. “The military simulation and virtual training market has seen dramatic growth in the last decade and it is expected to grow steadily over the next ten years. Increasing concerns over training costs, time and risk of life have forced military forces around the world to adapt technologies such as computer-based simulators and computer wargames in military training. Most importantly, simulation and virtual training have so far proved to be not only cost-effective but also an effective way to train military staff in a wide range of activities. Those functions range from weapons training to flying and even medical training. Both combat and non-combat applications for military simulations and gaming technologies with increase significantly during the period 2008-2018, concludes this brand-new in-depth defense market report - The Military Simulation and Virtual Training Market 2008-2018” ( With military guns and explosives costing millions of dollars to use just once, testing them would be a huge waste. Accidents occur when training with guns or even operating a machinery such as a tank, or jets. With VR training, soldiers get the same feeling as they would in a real training, they adapt to what they see on the screen and gets use to VR training that they won’t be a nervous or scared when they have to do it for real. The military’s VR training is for multiple scenarios from flying a jet, operating a tank, fighting in a combat zone, and medical assistant. The military puts their trust in VR training and hopes to keep their soldiers safe and trained to their best for any situations. VR training is the best approach to gaining experiences without having to worry about what they are doing.

More people everyday are becoming ignorant, lacking knowledge or training. Ignorant is basically overly assuming, thinking they know what is right, that their way is better. This may sound like someone’s parents and their friends but most likely their parents have more given experience. Movies nowadays are trying to reflect our society’s ignorance and try to demonstrate a more versatile mind. One of these great movies that reflect our society’s ignorance is the movie Thank You for Smoking. During our time, adults think of smoking, as shown in advertisements, that smoking kills, is for the criminals and rejects of society. People also think that the people who works for the company that makes tobaccos are murderers with no sympathy of human life. Most people, thinking like that, would find themselves against cigarettes but they don’t know the facts. Most ignorant people would rather get rid of cigarettes without the thought of people who buys them regularly and such sense are portrayed in the movie. This scene from the movie is a debate about wither or not a picture of a skull should be labeled on cigarette. Nick being the spokesman for tobacco companies.
Senator Dupree: Mr. Naylor, there's no need for theatrics.
Nick Naylor: I'm sorry. I just don't see the point in a warning label for something people already know.
Senator Dupree: The warning symbol is a reminder, a reminder of the dangers of smoking cigarettes.
Nick Naylor: Well, if we want to remind people of danger why don't we slap a skull and crossbones on all Boeing airplanes, Senator Lothridge. And all Fords, Senator Dupree.
Senator Ortolan Finistirre: That is ridiculous. The death toll from airline and automobile accidents doesn't even skim the surface cigarettes. They don't even compare.
Nick Naylor: Oh, this from a Senator who calls Vermont home.
Senator Ortolan Finistirre: I don't follow you, Mr. Naylor.
Nick Naylor: Well, the real demonstrated #1 killer in America is cholesterol. And here comes Senator Finistirre whose fine state is, I regret to say, clogging the nation's arteries with Vermont Cheddar Cheese. If we want to talk numbers, how about the millions of people dying of heart attacks? Perhaps Vermont Cheddar should come with a skull and crossbones.
Senator Ortolan Finistirre: That is lu - . The great state of Vermont will not apologize for its cheese!
Senator Lothridge: Mr. Naylor, we are here to discuss cigarettes - not planes, not cars - cigarettes. Now as we discussed earlier these warning labels are not for those who know but rather for those who don't know. What about the children?
Nick Naylor: Gentlemen, it's called education. It doesn't come off the side of a cigarette carton. it comes from our teachers, and more importantly our parents. It is the job of every parent to warn their children of all the dangers of the world, including cigarettes, so that one day when they get older they can choose for themselves. (
As shown in the text, Nick offers many different perspectives of other dangers in America. Nick believes that if cigarettes were to be labeled a skull, why not other dangers too, such as the death rate of cholesterol with 15,000 deaths per year versus the death rate of cigarettes 12,000-13,000 people a year. A person that is not ignorant can see that the tobacco company does not force upon the use to drugs to people nor kids. A person that is not ignorant knows to look up fact for themselves and see if these information’s are true or not then they would find out that there is no evidence of a connection between lung cancer and cigarettes. They’d also figure out for themselves that it’s the parents job to take it upon themselves to teach their kids about the hazards of smoking. Thank You for Smoking is a movie that helps us understand, and helps our ignorant thoughts, that smoking is a choice made by people not for people and that the tobacco companies are nothing more than people trying to get rich like many other companies.

I can connect these fake simulations with my life seeing as I have spend a lot of time on it. From virtual games such as shooting and driving to drawing and looking into other perspectives, I have enjoyed my time with them and they have peaked my interest in many other things. From virtual driving, I learned to drive manually with clutch, break and gas pedal. From online drawing or adobe Photoshop that shading and lighting is a way to turn a flat picture to 3D. And though watching television shows and movies, I not only learned many insights but one movie inspired me to read the authors books as oppose to watching his film.

The book by Feed has a very different view point than I do. M.T. Anderson, author of the book, feels that our world will become the ignorant, stupid society and the greatest downfall of not only America but all of Earth. Through the story, the readers looks through the eyes of a teenager and how his thoughts are in common with the thoughts of teenagers today. But his book was made in 2002, and many environmental are being dealt with. Hybrids are increasingly become popular and manufactured more because they are much more cleaner for the environment then regulars do. And because of what hybrids offer and because of the multiple amount of PSA about the environment, more and more people today are buying hybrids for just that reason. Then there are colleges raising SAT scores because there are so many people applying shows that not everyone is as dumb as they seem. SAT scores is very important because they decided wither one will be able to deal with the college of their choice or not. In the 20th century, the SAT requirement were not that high. Most Ivy league schools had low standards since not a lot of people apply to college. But today, more and more people go to colleges, thus they had to increase their SAT scores, but if we were as dumb as we were portrayed in Feed, how are people still applying and being accepted college? Parents of today act differently than the parents in the Feed. Parents today are still against the overuse of the internet while in Feed they act like kids. If Feed is suppose to be an allegory, I don’t see any resemblance other than teenagers obsessing over the internet.

Games and television are highly addictive but you can still learn a lot from it. One will learn from games that they have more options than they are given. They will learn how to figure out what appropriate choices to make and choices they shouldn’t make just by looking over give information, just like the skills needed if one took the SAT. Virtual training is a another representation for jobs that helps people train without the hazardous like coal mining. VR training can also train people on other skills such as a teenagers first time driving. VR training can give the them feel of driving first so that the instructor can observe and train on areas they need practice on. Television is important, not only for the PSA but for conversation skills. Sure the people in the television do not talk back but one can experience the same feelings the character have by just watching them. All these representations are good because they enable one to learn as they sit, like psychology. As one sit, they absorb techniques and skills they hear and see, and learn experiences from another source and perspective.

The internet and several movies help people involve to becoming a more fit and friendly society. It gives us experience and insight about life, and how people might think, they give people ideas of what they want to become in the future by giving people choices to pick. I personally don’t think that the internet is all that bad or that kids will grow up obsessing about chatting with their friends as much as they did when they were younger because if someone does too much of something it will lose its’ lust eventually. So I think that there is no problem with the internet other than taking time away from someone as a kid but when as a kid they don’t have a lot of things to do anyways.


Friday, November 6, 2009

HW 19

insanemembrane said...

I can understand that you are still continuously working on your essay and hope that you add more to your 3rd argument. Remember you also need an opposing point of view paragraph, a connection and a significance along with a conclusion of course.
There are minor misspelling and grammar errors from the intro paragraph and hope for you to not only revise you intro for silly mistakes but also the paragraphs following it.
And before i forgot to remind you, please read "Writing tips for Big Final Draft" on Andy's page. It's a list of things to do on your essay, mostly reminders such as reminding triangle partners to remind their partners about the list. Also you need a bold.
Your essay is very neat and i am amazed that this portion is only your first argument and already filled with information and details. Your last paragraph however needs an end sentence to tie back to the thesis. Your first paragraph i understand well, but second paragraph..please be more specific on how the author or people would blame the device for its mistake when its really our fault.
You have an interesting thesis and i hope that in one of your paragraphs, you could explain why people blame devices when we should be pointing fingers at ourselves.
November 06, 2009

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Hw 20

Richard Y

How can the use of technology help us experience things when it can only provide fake simulation?

Technology is growing faster and further each day and bringing along all its perks. Many people would consider the technologies growth to be extremely expensive for such worthless materials and that one day it will take over our society by brainwashing us into submission much like the characters in Feed by M.T. Anderson. Or we become so use to how convenient the internet brings us that we become indulge by the internet and become slothful just like the people in Wall-E. All of these do seem like a fair fate by how kids look today, they play games, watch television, text with their friends almost 24/7. But when you look at the adults, they have a little more self control, work comes first, unless they have a family, then comes personal pleasures, or free time. Adults learn to push their own needs aside for others, and most adults learn that kids should be spending more time on education than anything else. So where did that huge transaction come from? I think that adult learn to make use of their childhood experience with representations and not only found what they would like to do in the future but made use of the digital representation for careers. Digital representations are useful, it helps people experience things and it offers new perspective and points of view by making them realize things.

A yes or no question is asked by someone who limits ones answer and expects the them to pick one of the choices. But life isn’t simple a yes or no, and nowadays people in gaming industry realize this. Games such as Fallout 3 isn’t an everyday game where one is given a task and a specific order on how to carry out this task. No, Fallout 3 is a game about players growth, it’s a game that teaches players that they have more choices in their hands then they realize. In fact, one can probably complete a task in about seven different ways, or more, including the choice of not doing the task at all. Fallout 3 is not like a Mario game where one can just run through the course without having to look back. The game will make one realize what they have done and will either reward them or make them regret their decision depending on how they see the outcome. “Another important statistic tracked in the game is karma. Each player has a total amount of karma which can be affected by the decisions and actions made in the game. Positive karma actions include freeing captives and helping others. Negative karma actions include killing good characters and stealing. Beyond acting as flavour for the game's events, karma can have tangible effects to the player, primarily affecting the game's ending. Other effects include altered dialogue with NPCs, or unique reactions from other characters” ( In Super Mario Bros., the player turns into Mario, the jumping Italian, but in Fallout 3, the main character of the game becomes the player. The developers of Fallout 3 tried to make the game as real as possible, so it feels like the computer generated person the player is talking to has a history and whatever the player do to the person feels real or seems real. This game teaches the players values and consequences of their choices and action while forcing them to think about what they have done.

Virtual reality training, a simulated reality in where one plays a certain time, setting, and task, is the best way to achieve any firsthand experience. Many VR training are programmed to gives one a fake reality in order for them to experience things that might be too dangerous or too resourceful. This sounds like a video game, but VR training isn’t about killing, looting or saving a princess. Most VR training, serious ones, are designed to give users firsthand experience of the kind of job they wish to apply such as becoming a coal miner, a pilot, and a police officer. Not all VR training are specifically for jobs, some VR trainings can train someone to become a parent, drive a car, train a dog, and how to survive an occurring disaster. But the company that funded a lot of time and money on VR training is the military. With so much to prepare for, they have a simulation for every possible scenario that the soldiers might encounter. They have been using VR training for a long time, and continues to use them up to this day with constant upgrades to their program. “The military simulation and virtual training market has seen dramatic growth in the last decade and it is expected to grow steadily over the next ten years. Increasing concerns over training costs, time and risk of life have forced military forces around the world to adapt technologies such as computer-based simulators and computer wargames in military training. Most importantly, simulation and virtual training have so far proved to be not only cost-effective but also an effective way to train military staff in a wide range of activities. Those functions range from weapons training to flying and even medical training. Both combat and non-combat applications for military simulations and gaming technologies with increase significantly during the period 2008-2018, concludes this brand-new in-depth defense market report - The Military Simulation and Virtual Training Market 2008-2018” ( With military guns and explosives costing millions of dollars to use just once, testing them would be a huge waste. Accidents occur when training with guns or even operating a machinery such as a tank, or jets. With VR training, soldiers get the same feeling as they would in a real training, they adapt to what they see on the screen and gets use to VR training that they won’t be a nervous or scared when they have to do it for real. The military’s VR training is for multiple scenarios from flying a jet, operating a tank, fighting in a combat zone, and medical assistant. The military puts their trust in VR training and hopes to keep their soldiers safe and trained to their best for any situations. VR training is the best approach to gaining experiences without having to worry about what they are doing.

More people everyday are becoming ignorant, lacking knowledge or training. Ignorant is basically overly assuming, thinking they know what is right, that their way is better. This may sound like someone’s parents and their friends but most likely their parents have more given experience. Movies nowadays are trying to reflect our society’s ignorance and try to demonstrate a more versatile mind. One of these great movies that reflect our society’s ignorance is the movie Thank You for Smoking. During our time, adults think of smoking, as shown in advertisements, that smoking kills, is for the criminals and rejects of society. People also think that the people who works for the company that makes tobaccos are murderers with no sympathy of human life. Most people, thinking like that, would find themselves against cigarettes but they don’t know the facts. Most ignorant people would rather get rid of cigarettes without the thought of people who buys them regularly and such sense are portrayed in the movie. This scene from the movie is a debate about wither or not a picture of a skull should be labeled on cigarette. Nick being the spokesman for tobacco companies.
Senator Dupree: Mr. Naylor, there's no need for theatrics.
Nick Naylor: I'm sorry. I just don't see the point in a warning label for something people already know.
Senator Dupree: The warning symbol is a reminder, a reminder of the dangers of smoking cigarettes.
Nick Naylor: Well, if we want to remind people of danger why don't we slap a skull and crossbones on all Boeing airplanes, Senator Lothridge. And all Fords, Senator Dupree.
Senator Ortolan Finistirre: That is ridiculous. The death toll from airline and automobile accidents doesn't even skim the surface cigarettes. They don't even compare.
Nick Naylor: Oh, this from a Senator who calls Vermont home.
Senator Ortolan Finistirre: I don't follow you, Mr. Naylor.
Nick Naylor: Well, the real demonstrated #1 killer in America is cholesterol. And here comes Senator Finistirre whose fine state is, I regret to say, clogging the nation's arteries with Vermont Cheddar Cheese. If we want to talk numbers, how about the millions of people dying of heart attacks? Perhaps Vermont Cheddar should come with a skull and crossbones.
Senator Ortolan Finistirre: That is lu - . The great state of Vermont will not apologize for its cheese!
Senator Lothridge: Mr. Naylor, we are here to discuss cigarettes - not planes, not cars - cigarettes. Now as we discussed earlier these warning labels are not for those who know but rather for those who don't know. What about the children?
Nick Naylor: Gentlemen, it's called education. It doesn't come off the side of a cigarette carton. it comes from our teachers, and more importantly our parents. It is the job of every parent to warn their children of all the dangers of the world, including cigarettes, so that one day when they get older they can choose for themselves. (
As shown in the text, Nick offers many different perspectives of other dangers in America. Nick believes that if cigarettes were to be labeled a skull, why not other dangers too, such as the death rate of cholesterol with 15,000 deaths per year versus the death rate of cigarettes 12,000-13,000 people a year. A person that is not ignorant can see that the tobacco company does not force upon the use to drugs to people nor kids. A person that is not ignorant knows to look up fact for themselves and see if these information’s are true or not then they would find out that there is no evidence of a connection between lung cancer and cigarettes. They’d also figure out for themselves that it’s the parents job to take it upon themselves to teach their kids about the hazards of smoking. Thank You for Smoking is a movie that helps us understand, and helps our ignorant thoughts, that smoking is a choice made by people not for people and that the tobacco companies are nothing more than people trying to get rich like many other companies.

I can connect these fake simulations with my life seeing as I have spend a lot of time on it. From virtual games such as shooting and driving to drawing and looking into other perspectives, I have enjoyed my time with them and they have peaked my interest in many other things. From virtual driving, I learned to drive manually with clutch, break and gas pedal. From online drawing or adobe Photoshop that shading and lighting is a way to turn a flat picture to 3D. And though watching television shows and movies, I not only learned many insights but one movie inspired me to read the authors books as oppose to watching his film.

The book by Feed has a very different view point than I do. M.T. Anderson, author of the book, feels that our world will become the ignorant, stupid society and the greatest downfall of not only America but all of Earth. Through the story, the readers looks through the eyes of a teenager and how his thoughts are in common with the thoughts of teenagers today. But his book was made in 2002, and many environmental are being dealt with. Hybrids are increasingly become popular and manufactured more because they are much more cleaner for the environment then regulars do. And because of what hybrids offer and because of the multiple amount of PSA about the environment, more and more people today are buying hybrids for just that reason. Then there are colleges raising SAT scores because there are so many people applying shows that not everyone is as dumb as they seem. SAT scores is very important because they decided wither one will be able to deal with the college of their choice or not. In the 20th century, the SAT requirement were not that high. Most Ivy league schools had low standards since not a lot of people apply to college. But today, more and more people go to colleges, thus they had to increase their SAT scores, but if we were as dumb as we were portrayed in Feed, how are people still applying and being accepted college? Parents of today act differently than the parents in the Feed. Parents today are still against the overuse of the internet while in Feed they act like kids. If Feed is suppose to be an allegory, I don’t see any resemblance other than teenagers obsessing over the internet.

Games and television are highly addictive but you can still learn a lot from it. One will learn from games that they have more options than they are given. They will learn how to figure out what appropriate choices to make and choices they shouldn’t make just by looking over give information, just like the skills needed if one took the SAT. Virtual training is a another representation for jobs that helps people train without the hazardous like coal mining. VR training can also train people on other skills such as a teenagers first time driving. VR training can give the them feel of driving first so that the instructor can observe and train on areas they need practice on. Television is important, not only for the PSA but for conversation skills. Sure the people in the television do not talk back but one can experience the same feelings the character have by just watching them. All these representations are good because they enable one to learn as they sit, like psychology. As one sit, they absorb techniques and skills they hear and see, and learn experiences from another source and perspective.

The internet and several movies help people involve to becoming a more fit and friendly society. It gives us experience and insight about life, and how people might think, they give people ideas of what they want to become in the future by giving people choices to pick. I personally don’t think that the internet is all that bad or that kids will grow up obsessing about chatting with their friends as much as they did when they were younger because if someone does too much of something it will lose its’ lust eventually. So I think that there is no problem with the internet other than taking time away from someone as a kid but when as a kid they don’t have a lot of things to do anyways.


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Hw 18

How can the use of technology help us experience things when it can only provide fake simulation?

Technology is growing faster and spreading further each day and bringing along all its perks. Many people would consider the technologies growth to be extremely expensive for such worthless materials and that one day it will take over our society by brainwashing us into submission much like the characters in Feed by M.T. Anderson. Or we become so use to how convenient the internet brings us that we become indulge by the internet and become slothful just like the people in Wall-E. All of these do seem like a fair fate by how kids look today, they play games, watch television, text with their friends almost 24/7. And when you look at the adults, they have a little more self control, work comes first, unless they have a family, then comes personal pleasures, or free time. Adults learn to push their own needs aside for others, and most adults learn that kids should be spending more time on education than anything else. So where’d that huge transaction come from? I think that adult learn to make use of their childhood experience with and not only found what they would like to do in the future but made use of the digital representations for careers. But aside from wither digital representations are good for you or not, certain digital representations help you experience things. Not only do they help you experience things but they offer new perspectives and points of view and help you realize many things about your life.

A yes or no question is asked by someone who limits your answers and expect the people to pick one of the choices. But life isn’t simple a yes or no, and nowadays people in gaming industry realize this. Games such as Fallout 3 is not your everyday game where you are given a task and given specific orders on how to carry out this task. No, Fallout 3 is a game about players growth, it’s a game that teaches players that they have more choices in their hands then they realize. In fact, you can probably complete a task in about seven different ways, including the choices of not doing the task at all. Fallout 3 is not your Mario game where you can just run through the course without having to look back. The game will make you realize what you have done and will either reward you or make you regret your decision depending on how you see the situation. “Another important statistic tracked in the game is karma. Each player has a total amount of karma which can be affected by the decisions and actions made in the game. Positive karma actions include freeing captives and helping others. Negative karma actions include killing good characters and stealing. Beyond acting as flavour for the game's events, karma can have tangible effects to the player, primarily affecting the game's ending. Other effects include altered dialogue with NPCs, or unique reactions from other characters” ( The character you play as, you don’t turn into the character, the character is a mirror version of you and becomes your action throughout the game. If your bad, every simulated character will think your bad. The developers of Fallout 3 tried to make the game so real, you actual believe you’re talking to someone while you’re playing or that the person you have killed actual have some sort of history and that makes them real. This game not only teaches you the values and consequences of your choices and action but also forces you to think about other options because you ultimately tell the story.

Virtual reality training, a simulated reality in where you play a certain time, setting, and task, is the best way to achieve any firsthand experience. Many VR training are programmed to give you a fake reality in order for you to experience things that might be too dangerous or too resourceful. This sounds like a video game, but VR training isn’t about killing, looting or saving a princess. Most VR training, serious ones, are designed give you firsthand experience of the kind of job you wish to apply such as becoming a coal miner, a pilot, and a police officer. VR training are not specifically for jobs, some VR trainings can train you to become a parent, drive a car, train a dog, and how to survive an occurring disaster. But the company that funded a lot of time and money on VR training is the military. With so much to prepare for, they have a simulation for every possible scenario that the soldiers might encounter. They have been using VR training for a long time, and continues to use them up to this day with constant upgrades to their program. “The military simulation and virtual training market has seen dramatic growth in the last decade and it is expected to grow steadily over the next ten years. Increasing concerns over training costs, time and risk of life have forced military forces around the world to adapt technologies such as computer-based simulators and computer wargames in military training. Most importantly, simulation and virtual training have so far proved to be not only cost-effective but also an effective way to train military staff in a wide range of activities. Those functions range from weapons training to flying and even medical training. Both combat and non-combat applications for military simulations and gaming technologies with increase significantly during the period 2008-2018, concludes this brand-new in-depth defense market report - The Military Simulation and Virtual Training Market 2008-2018” ( With military guns and explosives costing millions of dollars to use just once, testing them would be a huge waste. Accidents occur when training with guns or even operating a machinery such as a tank, or jets. With VR training, soldiers get the same feeling as they would in a real training, they adapt to what they see on the screen and gets use to VR training that they won’t be a nervous or scared when they have to do it for real. The military’s VR training is for multiple scenarios from flying a jet, operating a tank, fighting in a combat zone, and medical assistant. The military puts their trust in VR training and hopes to keep their soldiers safe and trained to their best for any situations. VR training is the best approach to gaining experiences without having to worry about what you are doing.

More people everyday are becoming ignorant, lacking knowledge or training. Ignorant is basically overly assuming. They think they know someone and tells them to do what they “know” is right, that their way is better. This may sound like your parents and some of your friends but most likely your parents have more given experience. Movies nowadays are trying to reflect our society’s ignorance and try to demonstrate a more versatile mind. One of these great movies that reflect our society’s ignorance is the movie Thank You for Smoking. During our time, adults think of smoking, as shown in advertisements, that smoking kills, is for the criminals and rejects of society. They also think that the people who makes tobaccos are murderers with no sympathy of human life. Most people, thinking like that, would find themselves against cigarettes because they don’t know what to believe. Most ignorant people would rather rid of cigarettes without the thought of people who buys them regularly and such sense are portrayed in the movie. This scene from the movie is a debate about wither or not a picture of a skull should be labeled on cigarette. Nick being the spokesman for tobacco companies.

Senator Dupree: Mr. Naylor, there's no need for theatrics.
Nick Naylor: I'm sorry. I just don't see the point in a warning label for something people already know.
Senator Dupree: The warning symbol is a reminder, a reminder of the dangers of smoking cigarettes.
Nick Naylor: Well, if we want to remind people of danger why don't we slap a skull and crossbones on all Boeing airplanes, Senator Lothridge. And all Fords, Senator Dupree.
Senator Ortolan Finistirre: That is ridiculous. The death toll from airline and automobile accidents doesn't even skim the surface cigarettes. They don't even compare.
Nick Naylor: Oh, this from a Senator who calls Vermont home.
Senator Ortolan Finistirre: I don't follow you, Mr. Naylor.
Nick Naylor: Well, the real demonstrated #1 killer in America is cholesterol. And here comes Senator Finistirre whose fine state is, I regret to say, clogging the nation's arteries with Vermont Cheddar Cheese. If we want to talk numbers, how about the millions of people dying of heart attacks? Perhaps Vermont Cheddar should come with a skull and crossbones.
Senator Ortolan Finistirre: That is lu - . The great state of Vermont will not apologize for its cheese!
Senator Lothridge: Mr. Naylor, we are here to discuss cigarettes - not planes, not cars - cigarettes. Now as we discussed earlier these warning labels are not for those who know but rather for those who don't know. What about the children?
Nick Naylor: Gentlemen, it's called education. It doesn't come off the side of a cigarette carton. it comes from our teachers, and more importantly our parents. It is the job of every parent to warn their children of all the dangers of the world, including cigarettes, so that one day when they get older they can choose for themselves. (

As shown in the text, Nick offers many different perspectives of other dangers in America. Nick believes that if cigarettes were to be labeled a skull, why not other dangers too, such as the death rate of cholesterol with 15,000 deaths per year versus the death rate of cigarettes 12,000-13,000 people a year. A person that is not ignorant can see that the tobacco company does not force upon the use to drugs to people nor kids. A person that is not ignorant knows to look up fact for themselves and see if these information’s are true or not then they would find out that there is no evidence of a connection between lung cancer and cigarettes. They’d also figure out for themselves that it’s the parents job to take it upon themselves to teach their kids about the hazards of smoking. Thank You for Smoking is a movie that helps us understand, and helps our ignorant thoughts, that smoking is a choice made by people not for people and that the tobacco companies are nothing more than people trying to get rich like many other companies.

I can connect these fake simulations with my life seeing as I have spend a lot of time on it. From virtual games such as shooting and driving to drawing and looking into other perspectives, I have enjoyed my time with them and they have peaked my interest in many other things. From virtual driving, I learned to drive manually with clutch, break and gas pedal. From online drawing or adobe Photoshop that shading and lighting is a way to turn a flat picture to 3D. And though watching television shows and movies, I not only learned many insights but one movie inspired me to read the authors books as oppose to watching his film.

The book by Feed has a very different view point than I do. M.T. Anderson, author of the book, feels that our world will become the ignorant, stupid society and the greatest downfall of not only America but all of Earth. Through the story you play a teenager and how his thoughts are in common with the thoughts of teenagers today. But his book was made in 2002, and many environmental are being dealt with. Hybrids are increasingly become popular and manufactured more because they are much more cleaner for the environment then regulars do. And because of what hybrids offer and because of the multiple amount of PSA about the environment, more and more people today are buying hybrids for just that reason. Then there are colleges raising SAT scores because there are so many people applying shows that not everyone is as dumb as they seem. SAT scores is very important because they decided wither you’re able to deal with the college your about to go to or not. In the 20th century, the SAT requirement were not that high. Most Ivy league schools had low standards since not a lot of people apply to college. But today, more and more people go to colleges, thus they had to increase their SAT scores, but if we were as dumb as we were portrayed in Feed, how are people still applying and being accepted college? Parents of today act differently than the parents in the Feed. Parents today are still against the overuse of the internet while in Feed they act like kids. If Feed is suppose to be an allegory, I don’t see any resemblance other than teenagers obsessing over the internet.

Everyday people are on the internet because of how reliable and useful it is. It is also a way to help the environment by not wasting so much paper. Think that if the number of text a day is the equivalent to the number of paper letters sent in paper envelops a day, we would lose all the worlds forest in less than a year. So the internet is a good thing, it’s much better at finding jobs, while newspapers are usually for local jobs, the internet receive job offerings to people in a global scale. There are now summer programs that help you experience almost any job you want in a virtual reality. Internet also brings up a whole new level of information. The internet is a world wide web, with access to almost everything, even to people minds. So now, not alone can you learn things from your parents and teachers point of view, but you can look at other peoples point of view from different continents and states. The internet is also for the curious people as well, if you want a specific answer or interest, just Google it. If you want to find a specific job or work with a specific company, go to their website. If you want to download something for free, just find a torrent for it. The internet is the best resource for almost anything, and even movies producers go online. They read reviews on how to improve their next production from viewers, they find interesting points and make movies out of them, etc. Movies today seem to reflect the our ignorance and teaches us to know what we are talking bout before we talk about it. The internet is very important to our society and other society as well because we are all connected when we use it, and we all rely on its information and experience.

The internet and several movies help us as people involve to becoming a more fit and friendly society. They give us experience and insights about life, and how people might think, they give us ideas of what we want to become in the future by giving us choices to pick. I personally don’t think that the internet is all that bad or that kids will grow up obsessing about chatting with their friends as much as they did when they were younger become if you do too much of something it will lose its lust eventually. So I think that there is no problem with the internet other than taking time away from you as a kid but when you’re a kid you don’t have a lot of things to do anyways.


Saturday, October 31, 2009

Outline of Essay

Thesis: Electronic representations are simulations that help people prepare for the future, expected and unexpected.

Argument 1: Games today revolve around players growth. These simulations revolves around the players choice and actions throughout the game. These new generation of games help players realize differnet points of view presented by CP (computer players), and how their actions effect every CP. And because these games are so real, the digital people in the games to become real. ~ Games: Fallout 3

Argument 2: They are simulations that help prepare for the future by giving you experiences first had through digital representations. Nowadays some game company see that the new generation of gaming is actual contact and physical motion.~Game: Wii Fit, and Xbox 360 Natal

Argument 3: Through television shows and movies when someone becomes ignorant, they usually pay the price. These simulations help viewers widen their perspective on their own personally situations and help them see a different point of view. ~Movie: Thank You For Smoking

Monday, October 26, 2009

HW 14

I have read the "Long Excerpt" called Everything Bad for you is Good for you by Steven Johnson is about varies things from video games to T.V. shows. He talks about how people who play video games tries to solve their difficulties by asking their selves an SAT problem such as:
I have to get across this river, what are my choices?
A) Jump it
B) Swim Across it
C) Use the bridge
I know this is sort of an obvious type of question with an answer you don't really have to think twice about, but this is the sort of question gamers ask themselves. And then we have people watching T.V., and a list of programs the excerpt listed are ER, 24, Apprentice, The Price is Right, etc. The excerpt suggest that watching shows like these, is like reading a book and trying to understand the concept and complications of the story or plot. This book does not talk about how bad these programs or how bad these video games are to your health but talks about how they help you improve on certain skills.
I can see why Johnson believes what he how these digital representations are helpful in some ways. He believes that certain television programs can help with our perspective in situations and how we see view these situations. Such examples, Scream, the movie, he pointed out how we would watch this movie, "As the door shuts behind her, the camera swoops in on the doorknob and we see that she's left the door unlock. The camera pulls back and then swoops down again for emphasis. And then a flashing arrow appears on the screen with a text that helpfully explains: 'Door unlocked!'" Johnson explains how we would watch what appears on screen and how we interpret the situation. There is no big arrow pointing to the doorknob that says "Door Unlocked!" but it is how we see in our mind. We also do this in books, we label each character with a list of names we come up with, quotes they've use in the past, and past actions to interpret what will happen next. Johnson suggest that TV and reading a book is not so different.
A page in Johnson's book talks about how we play video games. He said anyone new to the game who probably think that video games have obvious objectives like, kill this guy, dodge this, go here. But Johnson suggest that the agenda is much more complex than that:
"1) Your ultimate goal is to rescue your sister
2) To do that you must defeat the villain Ganon
3) To do this, you need to obtain legendary weapons
4) To locate the weapons, you need the pearl of Din
5)To get the pearl of Din you need to cross the ocean..."
Johnson compared this endless list to pacman which got about 4 agendas. This endless list shows how games have advance over the years and how complex it is to it's predecessors. In fact I believe that Johnson is hoping for more advance games in the future, many of which will be puzzle games such as Zelda to help, not only increase the awareness of the mind, but also the creativity.
There are many reasons these authors would disagree on and very few they would. One thing they agree on is that games and television programs will take up several hours of your time a day. Although Feed only talks about how being too in touch with digital representations are bad for you, not just physically, but mentally. Feed talks about how these electronic devices will take over your lives and control you and your emotions the way they want to, how people will become so addicted that everyone will want it implanted in their heads. Johnson, however, believes that they are good for you in some degrees. Although he didn't type it, or I didn't read it, he compares watching television to reading a book, how you follow a complex story but with images, and he then compares games to questions or puzzles and you have to solve them with given information. In ways, this would excessive your mind and your ability to adapt to complex plots.
So in all, Johnson and Feed talks about the digital representation of life, but both have very different view points of it. Feed talks about the future and how it will take over everyone while Johnson talks about how these representations will help you in life.

Monday, October 19, 2009

HW 13

The Feed, by M.T. Anderson, is about a book where everyone is hooked up to the internet, or what they call "The Feed," 24/7, where everything you can possible do on your computer is done in your head instantly without having to left a finger. Anderson is a very creative writer because this book have many events happening at once, many fake advertisements to convey a meaning and hints on how these people of the future live and to sum it up, appropriately respond to these events through the eyes of a kid name Titus who grew up with the Feed, must have taken a tremendous time of planning. Anderson tried to make this book about the future as real as possible but it seems more like he observe human behavior of today's society.

The Feed uses many events that are happening in today's time. Their Feed is nothing more then a computer in their head, they play games and order from online websites just like we do. They also have a computer program assistant just like most phone companies do. Everyone in the Feed is dumb and are very lazy, just like we do, for example the media says our SAT average is much lower then the last few years and also America is the country with the most overweight people. This book reflects our society, there's is a lot to point out but this book have many events of history as well. The riots of people resisting the Feed is an example of many great resistant of the past such as the Renaissance. I feel that this book also conveys another message, because Violet dies in the end (or becomes a potato) tells me that people will not fit in right if they are late in this "'fad" or never got the feed and will be abandoned by society as the clinically insane which is suggested by Titus when he first meet Violet and her dad.

I feel this book is not just talking to young readers already in tuned to the advertising world, nor is it only for the people of the electronic industry, I feel like this is a book for everyone, even the people out of America. This book does not solely talk about America, its a message to everyone, Russia, Australia, Mexico, etc. Although the message isn't really against America, even though in the book America doomed every living thing outside the dome, I feel its more like a cry for help since in the book it seems like we couldn't help ourselves even if we wanted to. Another message from this book is that the corporate industry took over everything such as school and peoples private life, something like Totalitarianism, something Hitler and Stalin came up with...That might be another message. Anyways, this book has many hints and references and parallel connection with our world, its numberless.

Friday, October 16, 2009

HW 12

I feel that the book, The Feed, does in many ways accurately protray the lifestyle that kids have nowadays. The way they talk, overusing the word "like," the way they dress thinking that anything new woud be the new cool, even the way they act is something we do as kids. Then comes the network, called the Feed, which is basically a computer in your brain. You're ableto stay on the network 24/7 with endless updates and all it comes with all the perks a computer would have such as orderng online, chating without using your mouth anywhere and anytime, watch videos and download music instantly; the most convient and advance technology during their time. The only different with theirs is that we don't have the network installed into our brain and it isn't as convient as theirs. Still, we do spent as much time as possible on the network then we should at all, some of us are on portable technologies that can do things the feed can, such as chat with people, visit sites on the internet, etc. The way I feel, I believe that the people in Feed is our children's, children's, children's, children's. I feel that the Feed is that that far into the future seeing how technology is rapidly evolving as we speak. I think that some of us mght live lone enough to see some kind of prototype because the idea of the Feed has come up to the government. I saw a documentary about a year ago that the government wanted to implant a chip into our heads for security purposes, and some families were wanted to participate as test subjects. I don't know what exactly happen to the family or if they even continue the idea of the chip, but it's scary how realistic this book might be. Also when people said that they would never want the feed in their heads, I honestly think that many of they people were lying. Maybe they were skeptical about the feed and what it can do because most of them are on the internet almost 24/7, not much different then the time people in Feed spend on it. So yes, this book does accurately reflects our generations and possible our kids are going to act more like Titus and his friends then we will, and their kids will act more like TItus then they will and so on and on and on.