Tuesday, September 22, 2009

What do other people think?

Question to family member: If the technology and devices we use today were made around the time you were a kid, would you be as addicted as we are?

Response: Yes

Q: Why?

Response: Because its a trend.

The reasons why the response is so short is because I caught this person in a bad mood. Although I get this would be a standard response for a not so standard question.

The next two are random strangers on the streets. The first one is a woman:

Q: How many hours dd you spend on technology when you were younger?

Woman: When I was younger, maybe an hour a day on computers in school.

Q: If you had kids, how many hours would you allow?

Woman: One hour I would say is the limit.

The second one is a police officer:

Q: How many hours do you spend at work using technology?

Police: One hour

Q: How about your kid?

Police: Too much, around three hours

Q: How many hours would you restrain that to?

Police: I don't care, as long as they get their work done.

So these two interviews had very similar answers though i thought it was a typical response, I do believe that they're both lying about how much they actually spend their time connected to the network. The only response I was not expecting is that the police officer showed some honesty about his kid using tech too much and said that as long as his child is doing his work, he won't restrain the kid from it.

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