Friday, September 25, 2009


Originally uploaded by insanemembrane95

just doing my homework...

When i watched this video, i look like any other person watching and being drawn into the screen with pretty lights or something interesting to say. I felt like the video i watch of me being so drawn to the video, i wonder if that's how i always looked.

Me on video, i look busy, even though i wasn't, i didn't look entertained, but i was. I was not moving, and it seem like a waste of time, doing nothing but sitting there.

The internet holds lots of interesting ideas and entertainment, no doubt about it, but i wouldn't want someone close to me doing this all day. If i was in control, i might only allow an hour or 2 a day.

The difference between the was going on in the video and what i was doing, is that while the person I'm watching is actually doing something, all i can do is watch someone else do something or have a great time. Which now that i think about it, its kind of depressing.

Making something interactive is no different than watching a video. Sure you get more excursive out of it, but your not really living the same experience, and it'll become another excuse not to leave the house.


  1. Richard,

    First of all, I have to say that I like your post with the tone of irony. Additionally, your video and the post overall really did kept me to read on.

    In my perspective while reading your post, I think you are mostly enhancing the ideas of disadvantages of using digital devices. Such as keys words like “waste of time” “doing nothing but sitting there”, and “not really living the same experience”. Same to your video, it distributed the same ideas as your written part but a piece of work with visuals.

    I think your post can connect to most of the people since is one of the common ones [starring at the screen]. While I am watching it, I can sort of imagine 100 times more of the population will look the same as what you reveal in the video. Most of the people just got drag into another world while looking at the screen and the person who looked at it, will find being IGNORED. (If you did seem some of the videos from other students in Andy’s course, including Andy’s and mine, I find your video very similar to theirs.)

    Before giving you suggestions of how to make the post better, I have to say that your post is a great post with some crucial ideas that is worth expanding. But somehow, you just like to keep it short and simple. So here are my ideas for you to make the post better: 1) I recommend you to copy and paste what you have written to Microsoft word and just do spell check OR you can just click on the abc check icon when you are posting the blog. When I was reading it, it felt like there are many fragments. 2) After you posted your blog, proof read it. 3) For the 3rd paragraph, when you talked about how you will now allow others to spend so much time on these things. I think it is a great point that is worth expanding. Perhaps talk about the reason why, not just saying because it is bad for them. But why you know it is bad for them and so to you, but you still decided to consume to these digital devices. Then from there, explore further to this ideas. 4) The 4th paragraph is definitely something that you can elaborate on, such as why is it depressing, what is the main reason other than just looking at others being active but you are not. 5) Provide examples to support your arguments will help make it stronger

    By the way, I am not sure if you just like to keep it simple or you just decided not to dig deep into what you are saying. Either one, I think it is worth expanding if you are looking for improvements.

    I like your last paragraph a lot, because it is something that I never thought of or consider in my life. Now I thought about it, I often find excuses to just keep consuming to these digital stuffs. I felt like I am interacting with it, so I am actually doing something while the fact that I am not doing anything. This is a great point, and you make me think of how it actually looks like when people are doing something. Does only active count as doing something?

    You do have great ideas in your post and I hope you will keep it up. I appreciate that you are in my group and you did your work on time! Therefore, no one held anybody back from lack of homework on time habits. (This is to Dinorah also). Hopefully we all will keep it up and might actually did help each other in some way regarding on grades.

    I apologize that I did not post these comments earlier. (I have them in my blog draft, but forget to post them in your blog as comments)

    Bao Lin

  2. Thank you Bao Lin for taking the time to comment on my post, and i very much appreciate the amount of effort you put into your comment.

    Your comments on how to improve my post are very helpful, such as taking the time to write out my complete thoughts, dig deeper, and elaborate on my thoughts. And your idea on copying and pasting my post on window word to correct any grammar is very thoughtful.

    Your idea about how millions of other people are probably doing the same exact thing as we are in our videos, just starring at the computer screen, looking bored but entertained is probably true. With millions of people on the web everyday, they most likely do look as we do watching our videos or playing computer games.

    The answer to the 4th question, "What do you think of the contrast between what's happening ON the digital representation device and what you look like interacting with the DRD?", while you wrote about what we look like watching the video, how dull and soul less we look, i wrote more about how we like to watch experience rather than live it.

    I feel like our post has one thing in common, the question, "why do people love to watch other people doing things? why do people love to play games that imitates reality?"

  3. To Richard:

    Good work! I liked how honest (realistic) your video was. Although you were doing the same thing for one minute and thirty seconds I imagined you must had a lot going on inside your mind. Because I also spend a long time doing the same thing I can understand that as boring it may seen to others who are watching us, in our perspective we are being entertained.

    You consider the Internet as a reason to stay at home for all the interesting things it has to offer; when in reality it is just an excuse for something else. I ignore the reason why you personally choose to dedicate your time to this stuff but I am certain I can relate to that reason.
    I understand that thinking about the difference between being the real world and the world digitization offers is quite tricky.

    This reminds me of something I have thought about before. Once we realize that we have been watching others having fun or living adventures while we are just sitting and gaining weight we become rather depressed. We have been wasting our time and considering our current lives as boring because we keep comparing our life styles to unrealistic ways of life. This activity helped us see how we looked while we were being drawn by all the aspects of the Internet or T.V. And by seeing ourselves in such way we come to realize something more important.

    To develop your thinking on this topic I suggest you to add more analysis to your work. At the end of every paragraph you could add more thoughts about what you wrote. Answering questions of why you think this way? or what has brought you to do certain things regarding electronic media? This will help you expand your knowledge and even come up with ideas that might make you reconsider your current way of life if you are not Okay with it. Isn't this the main point of this unit anyway?

    After looking at your video it reminded me of how I tend to forget about my physical state and just focus on something that is unreachable, but at the same time It could not be closer. What I mean is that I tend to get so fascinated by all the things I encounter on the Internet or the T.V. that I forget who I am or what am I doing. Then I am not interacting with these stuff I compare my life with all those unrealistic life styles and become bored. I think that most people learn to fantasize too much while living because of the T.V. and the Internet, and this causes them to being unable to distinguish what is real and what is not. I think this could relate to our dreams. Based on my experience there are times that a person can control his or her dreams during sleep. But this only happens when that person identifies the dream as a dream rather than what things are supposed to be. In other words as normal. I have never been able to control my dreams before. During my dreams I consider earthquakes or erupting volcanoes in NY city as normal therefore I just panic and try to survive when it is not even supposed to be happening. Therefore I have been writing a journal of my dreams for the last 2 weeks and recently I was finally able to control one of my dreams. It was a great experience. My point is that the only way to control our lives is by identifying what is real and what is not. This media has been just communicating unrealistic ideas to us and we identify them as possible. And the wii is one of the closest opportunities we have to experience this idea.

    Thank you for your work. You helped me develop new thoughts regarding my way of life around this stuff. I still have so much to learn about it but I think that I might be able to come up with something that will make change my schedule for good.

  4. I am grateful of the comment you posted on my blog and am certain you took your time posting on my blog considering how much you have typed.

    The things you have written on your comment were very thoughtful with self connections and how to improve my post in the near future homework.

    Everyone surfs the web to watch someone be the best at what they do whether what were watching is a television show, live action or even a video game, we like to have the lives the people were watching have, fake or not. Your idea about controlling your dream, its just like your own lives, do we just watch someone else do these things or are we going to make it up to ourselves to actually do something about our lives.

    You seem to be interested in what has become of us when watching or playing with these tech, how lazy and bored we've become as a sense to what can we make of ourselves. I am more into why do we do these things, what makes these gears more attractive then actually doing it.

    The idea of a replacement fun as oppose to actually doing it brings up the question; why do we enjoy these cheap thrills when we can actually live these experience? Is it because its cheaper and you can do it over again and again? Is it because its convenient? Or is it because there is no real risk, i.e. sky diving versus sky diving in a game?
