Friday, September 11, 2009

Thoughts of digital unites

Well, the way I see the "digital/electronic media that has connected eyes with screens for hours at a time. HDTV, Facebook, IMing, Texting, Emailing, Websurfing, Twitter, video games," is a way of communicating and gathering information from other resources or personal. What's good about this is getting up to date information about what is going on and other current events. You can notify people faster, and you are more protected with a cell phone access so you can call 911 faster then trying to call on a phone booth. You can also get in touch with people quicker which allows the confusion of ones whereabouts to be resolved much quicker. What's great about the Internet is how entertaining it is to be amused from either a game, watching television shows, and any others that drive you away from boredom. The internet is also a way to meet people and get famous quick. Many people became well known from the internet, just look at the Numa Numa guy, or that emo kids that tells everyone to stop bothering people, the Internet is the new way to get famous and every celebrity is doing it, too. Finally what is great about the Internet is how much illegal content to provides for people, from downloading movies, to invading other peoples privacy, the Internet is great for almost anyone.
What is bad about this is how useless some of these information are such as celebrity information, constant updates on sites such as twitter or facebook, and other things like them. Not only that but the spread of rumors and lies can be easily spread from one person to thousands of others depending on what connections they have. What I find weird about all this Internet connection and forums and blogs besides the info it provides is the fact that now, no one is truly alone. Each one of us with Internet access is connect to the millions of people around the net that's connect to almost every part of the world. Maybe people blog or go into site is to chat with people because they're afraid of being lonely. The dark side of the Internet is the amount of assholes it contains. From hackers, to people sending viruses in files, you have to be careful of what you do. Nowadays, hacking can be so easy by just looking it up on the Internet, and with millions of people able to steal peoples identity, social security number, etc. An viruses nowadays are so devastating, that it can actually break your computer, rendering it useless.


  1. Hey Richard, awesome paper you have written. You are such a great writer. Your paper is so strong and deep. It is understandable and enjoyable. I appreciated your knowledge of coming up with great thoughts.

    You explain why and why not digital/ electronic media is important to the world. You made a great connection of how the internet makes this world full of pleasures. You made a good point of how people became famous, realizing how much the world has change, meeting new friends, and entertaining us. You also included why digital/electronic media are "bad" and how their affect our world. Viruses, hackers, assholes, very explaninable. Good on gathering the informations.

    People enjoy their times on the computers, facebooking, television, what-so-ever, but could also harm us in different ways. I think others will enjoy your post and feel the same way as me.

    Richard, your paper is realistic, but you should contuine to build more information into it. And you should had added yourself, friends or families onto your draft.

    I feel the same way as your paper. It is a way to help me enjoy my life and not feeling left out. My desktop is like a wife to me. I treated with respect. Lol

    Thanks a lot for sharing your essay and i enjoy it. Good developments and strong thoughts.

  2. and by the way luvmichelle0830 is Quinn Wu.

  3. I can see that you put a lot of thought into your post. I appreciate how many examples you put from everyday life into your post as well.

    Your post is mainly about the different ways the internet can be used, the good, the bad, and everything in between. Everything from using it to find out more information to using it to harm others.

    The different ways to use the internet, whether good or bad, is what is really drwaing people to these screens. I think that teenagers everywhere are drawn to the internet by at least one of these aspects.

    Even though your post is very good, i think that you could have related the way you view these digital medias to your life. To see if there are personal expriences to help back up your views.

    When you talk about the blogs and the people that comment on them, i totally agree with you. I think that people who comment ont hese blogs takes whats on t hem too seriously, and view it as a major part of their lives. I also think that they are using the blogs to fill some type of lonliness that they have.

    There are some great thoughts/points in this post. Keep Up The Guud Work =]

  4. thank you quinn for taking the time to post your comments on my blog. and thank you for the generous compliments about my blog and how i have written it.

    the most helpful part is how much you liked my blog so i will continue to write with this much enthusiasm in the near future and i will remember to put myself and my life as a example.

    the comment about adding myself as an example help me think of the many personal experiences i had with the examples I've listed, such a viruses, chatting with people I'll never meet, and others. i see now that i have a lot more experience with the internet then i thought i had.

    i think you got the idea of my blog, the ups and downs of the network, and the uses it serves people who uses the network.

    your blog and my blog have a few things in common, like people spent so much time on the network, why not try to meet someone in person?
    Why is the network so additively painful to our body and mind?

  5. thank you aja for commenting on my blog and agreeing on most parts of it. also likes how you pointed out how i was trying to be fair with both aspects of the internet.

    thank you for you compliments on my blog and again like quinns' comment, i understand i need to add personal experience into my blog.

    i think maybe i understand why we're so attracted to the screens of our computer. its like vegas with the slot machines telling you your lucky, and the bright colors, the shows and the nose. maybe the internet is our los vegas expect theres no restriction no matter how old you are.

    I have found from reading your blog, that there are some similarities such as we both talked about how the internet is taking peoples lives away. Although your point is more towards to how the network is taking over jobs, my blog is more about how its taking our valuable time away.

    I think our common question is how will this effect our future? If we put our lives in the internet for the world to see, if we focus so much on the internet to provide for us, how will the future look?
