Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Comments to video post

To Dinorah

Wow, you have a lot of tech stuff in one corner of your room. From ipods, to electric piano, to the wii, etc. i dont know if thats how your room really looks like, but it shows that you spend alot of time on your gears. I also liked that you played a breif demo of your piano skills to the viewers before you got distracted to SSBB.

You probably weren't acting out the scene you presented, but to me it shows how video games can be very distracting to people. Even if you were trying to imitate your ipod, its still considered pratice compared to playing the wii.

The part where you wrote about wishing your sister wouldn't spend so much time on the computer, or how if you had a child, you wish they won't spend so much time is similar to the answers my partner and i got from interviewing adults, how if htey had kids or if they do, what the maximum time they'd allow. They all agreed that electronics are taking people lives away.

The only thing that i have problems with is the video and how you didn't show any expressions because the video is focusing on what you are using, not how you are reacting.

What i found interesting is how you muti-task, and usually that requires movement of some sort, but the way you listen to your ipod, to playing the piano for 30 seconds and then suddenly switch to the wii, it all seems too convenient.

Thanks for the piano song, it sounds pretty nice, and your thoughts.

To Bao Lin

I like how you took the time to make the video, and i guess you got carried away or was distracted by watching whatever it was on your labtop, but i think thats good. Also like how you invited people into your video.

Most of your point in your answers mostly talk about how a person looks, they look like zombies, out of it, basically how you interact with it.

Just like Dinorahs' blog, it talks about how a person really looks towards how the person using the gears actaully feel, its like a contradiction from what it looks to how your feeling.

The only thing i would look over is the grammer mistakes, and to view things more deeply.

The timing of the video you said was about 2 mins, althought you fast forward it so it must've been about 3-4mins. I guess what i consider is how time flies when your distracted.

Nice video and thoughts hope to see more.

Friday, September 25, 2009


Originally uploaded by insanemembrane95

just doing my homework...

When i watched this video, i look like any other person watching and being drawn into the screen with pretty lights or something interesting to say. I felt like the video i watch of me being so drawn to the video, i wonder if that's how i always looked.

Me on video, i look busy, even though i wasn't, i didn't look entertained, but i was. I was not moving, and it seem like a waste of time, doing nothing but sitting there.

The internet holds lots of interesting ideas and entertainment, no doubt about it, but i wouldn't want someone close to me doing this all day. If i was in control, i might only allow an hour or 2 a day.

The difference between the was going on in the video and what i was doing, is that while the person I'm watching is actually doing something, all i can do is watch someone else do something or have a great time. Which now that i think about it, its kind of depressing.

Making something interactive is no different than watching a video. Sure you get more excursive out of it, but your not really living the same experience, and it'll become another excuse not to leave the house.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

What do other people think?

Question to family member: If the technology and devices we use today were made around the time you were a kid, would you be as addicted as we are?

Response: Yes

Q: Why?

Response: Because its a trend.

The reasons why the response is so short is because I caught this person in a bad mood. Although I get this would be a standard response for a not so standard question.

The next two are random strangers on the streets. The first one is a woman:

Q: How many hours dd you spend on technology when you were younger?

Woman: When I was younger, maybe an hour a day on computers in school.

Q: If you had kids, how many hours would you allow?

Woman: One hour I would say is the limit.

The second one is a police officer:

Q: How many hours do you spend at work using technology?

Police: One hour

Q: How about your kid?

Police: Too much, around three hours

Q: How many hours would you restrain that to?

Police: I don't care, as long as they get their work done.

So these two interviews had very similar answers though i thought it was a typical response, I do believe that they're both lying about how much they actually spend their time connected to the network. The only response I was not expecting is that the police officer showed some honesty about his kid using tech too much and said that as long as his child is doing his work, he won't restrain the kid from it.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Comments by me

To Quinn,

I like the fact that you spoke how you really felt about the use of digital/electronics and its usage. You made many connections with your own life and other people's lives that you mention and wrote how the electronics is consuming their time. I also like the fact that this blog is rather long which tells me you put a lot of thought into this.

You made lots of points and arguments to how bad being on the internet for a long time is bad for you. It takes valuable time that can be better well spent on, and it also can destroy your eye sights as well.

It is just like how the media portrays the situation with internet addicts. Some parents actually pay professionals to separate their kids from the network. Also a quote "geeks are taking control of the world" might be more accurate than I'd imagine.

This whole blog has been pretty interesting. The only flaw is how bias you are of the internet, while you gave many examples of how the internet is bad, you gave only one example of how to well sever its usage. You can also maybe separate into paragraphs between the downside and upside to internet.

From your post, I can see now that more and more people are turning their attention to the internet and its screen. Maybe we can all somehow refrain ourselves to only using the internet for useful/interesting info.

Your blog was very straight forward and easy to understand. This was well thought out and hope to see some more like this in the future.

September 16, 2009 7:54 PM

To Aja,

I like the fact that you organize your paragraphs, making a different point on each new paragraphs. You gave a lot of evidence to the use of electronics and I can see that you had written down thoughts while you were typing it up.

I agree that the electronics enhancement brings a lot of attention as well as advantages, for example getting messages faster and receiving money more easily.

You essay is like the opposite of Quinn, she explores more on why its addictive and bad for someone, you explore the neat perks it brings. Although you both have written that the computers are taking our lives away.

All I can think about to improve you paragraphs is maybe more examples and maybe how it effected your life?

You idea of computers may not be off, like the token people Andy was talking about the other day, how they serve no use to the metro companies once the token machines were made. Maybe as soon as all the easy jobs are replace with mechanics, maybe more complicated jobs will be replace? Such as school teachers, cops, etc.

Your blog was great and it was nice of you to put your thoughts on the future of technology.

September 17, 2009 8:29 PM

Friday, September 11, 2009

Thoughts of digital unites

Well, the way I see the "digital/electronic media that has connected eyes with screens for hours at a time. HDTV, Facebook, IMing, Texting, Emailing, Websurfing, Twitter, video games," is a way of communicating and gathering information from other resources or personal. What's good about this is getting up to date information about what is going on and other current events. You can notify people faster, and you are more protected with a cell phone access so you can call 911 faster then trying to call on a phone booth. You can also get in touch with people quicker which allows the confusion of ones whereabouts to be resolved much quicker. What's great about the Internet is how entertaining it is to be amused from either a game, watching television shows, and any others that drive you away from boredom. The internet is also a way to meet people and get famous quick. Many people became well known from the internet, just look at the Numa Numa guy, or that emo kids that tells everyone to stop bothering people, the Internet is the new way to get famous and every celebrity is doing it, too. Finally what is great about the Internet is how much illegal content to provides for people, from downloading movies, to invading other peoples privacy, the Internet is great for almost anyone.
What is bad about this is how useless some of these information are such as celebrity information, constant updates on sites such as twitter or facebook, and other things like them. Not only that but the spread of rumors and lies can be easily spread from one person to thousands of others depending on what connections they have. What I find weird about all this Internet connection and forums and blogs besides the info it provides is the fact that now, no one is truly alone. Each one of us with Internet access is connect to the millions of people around the net that's connect to almost every part of the world. Maybe people blog or go into site is to chat with people because they're afraid of being lonely. The dark side of the Internet is the amount of assholes it contains. From hackers, to people sending viruses in files, you have to be careful of what you do. Nowadays, hacking can be so easy by just looking it up on the Internet, and with millions of people able to steal peoples identity, social security number, etc. An viruses nowadays are so devastating, that it can actually break your computer, rendering it useless.