Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Hw 57

There is one quote I base my perspectives on and that is there is no right or wrong. With that said, there is no perfect way to care for a child. Too much attention or too little attention can alter the child's way of life but it doesn't mean that the child will suffer. If you want your child to become something specific (banker, [insert name of sport] player, model, etc) you might guide them towards that general direction, but the outcome will never be the same as your expectations. The techniques created by the listed websites under HW 57 on how to care for a child are merely techniques used by the individuals that listed them and it worked for them. But it does not mean that it will work for everybody.

I believe that a parent should do what they believe best. Everything a parent does will effect their child[ren] one way or another. I believe that the best thing the parent(s) can do is simply do their best. As long as the parent(s) do their best to care for their child[ren], they can at least have confidence and hope in the child's future. And if their child does turn out for the worse, it does not mean their way of parenting is terrible, it just means that either their parenting technique was not right for that specific child or something else in the child's life has set their future off course. If the parent just do their best, they have nothing to blame themselves for.

After reading "What attachment parenting is," I thought that whole thing was a load of garbage. There is no correct way to care for a baby. You can follow these techniques and your child can still turn out completely different than what you'd expect. There is no right way to care for a child and that means that there is no wrong way as well. People have grown up with abusive parents, ones that would leave them in the allies and one can still come out the other side fine. Even Micheal Jackson who has an abusive father, still came out famous. Sure he had some issues but what successful person doesn't? I'm not trying to imply that abusive parents are the key to success, but there is no way to predict the outcome of a child. The article also states that these techniques or "tools" are suppose to be ways to solve a problem, if any, not steps. I do believe that these techniques can be the stepping stones for new parents, but as the parents have more experience, they will soon learn that there are many other techniques that can be used.

The "Continuum Concept," is much more appealing to me. It does not imply a technique that should be practiced. It merely states an observation between a mother who cares for her child versus a child under the care of a strict schedule. The Continuum Concept explains that parents care for their child[ren] in a specific way because of generations of experience and hand-me-down techniques. This site does not specifically say that by using these techniques will a child grow up successful, but it does list a reason why you should not treat an infant like a teenager.

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