Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Hw 55

My question is "What are our needs that we attempt to satisfy through varies relationships?" and i can specifically talking about friends, or people who wants to be friends with others, or people who just use another. One of my first theories is that they keep you from going insane. How? They keep you company. It's as easy as that. Friends are usually made by first impression, and sticking with them for a long enough time, everything they do almost appeals to you. If your friend and a stranger did the same exact thing, you would notice your friend more. They make you feel good about yourself, and you feel good around your friend. You tell them things you wouldn't normally tell strangers, and you can tell them secrets you keep from your family. A friend can judge you, and make fun of you sometimes, but they will not leave you. They keep you out of your mind and that is a terrible place to be in a long period of time. Have you ever cut off all communications for just one week? You start to think very odd stuff. It's just not healthy for you. Try for just one weekend, and you will see what I am talking about. But I digress, friends keep you out of your mind and keeps you sane with simple interactions such as talking and playing games.

Another way they satisfy your needs is that they acknowledge your existence. Friends are there to ensure you exist and that they matter to someone. that's one of the reasons why people bother their friends. They want to be noticed. That's why people on facebook friends people. Even though they don't know the person, because they are under the list of "friends" they are in a way a friend. Then it becomes a competition on the number of friends someone has. I am not trying to say that people only want friends to be noticed. But that is one of the main reasons why people have friends. Without people to keep you company, you feel alone and unnoticed. Ignored and meaningless.

This is for part of hw 55. Richie, your question is pretty simple, maybe you can expand on it, make it a little more specific. For instance, "What makes a family unique?" is a bit vague. There's too many ways to answers for it. Instead narrow it down. Maybe something like the difference between a family today and the families you see on television. And maybe consider the varies different kinds of a families out there. Is a work place a family? Is an adopted kid consider a family member? etc.

This is for hw 55. Devin, when you answer that question, you should give numbers that proves that poor neighborhood has a large impact on the obesity problem. You should also check up if it is a poor living quality that effects obesity. Maybe some rich neighborhood has the same problem. You should also research the main cause of obesity and why it only effects poor neighborhood.

New Question: What qualities do we look for in a friend to satisfy our basic needs as a human being?

Stevens, J. (1997). How to Grow a friend. Retrieved from http://www.cyberparent.com/friendship/grow2.htm

Baridhara S. (December 11, 2003). We need friends. Retrieved from http://www.bangla2000.com/mboard/vbulletin.asp?ID=3249

Stevenson, J. (n.d.). How to Find a true friend. Retrieved from http://teenadvice.about.com/od/friends/tp/qualities_of_good_friends.htm

Schneider, B. (n.d.). Bill schneider's story. Retrieved from http://www.whatadifference.samhsa.gov/stories.asp?nav=nav03&cont


  1. Richard,,,
    i love the poem you decided to include in this post. you question is good, although is seems very vague. i began to get a better understanding of it after i read the information you posted at the bottom along with the poem. you should consider maybe just rewording the question, to make it more clear your talking about the bond between two friends. make it more clear about the excepted feelings to come out of a friendship.
    something like that. i hope this was helpful. i look forward to seeing what you come up with


  2. Hey Richard Y,
    Your question i believe is a good research question and your statements are true also about how easy it is to make a friend now and days. And i agree with Arden that the poem you have is good i like it a lot and i cant connect to that poem because all those reasons for a friend fits me and i bet a lot of different people. Overall good research question im looking forward to reading your paper.

  3. Richard,

    Your research question is “What are our needs that we attempt to satisfy through varies relationships?” First of all, I think you should make it more specific, and just choose one type of relationships as the four categories that we did in class on the paper (family, friends, frequent interactions, mediated relations) . So in that way, you can narrow down your topic and just focus on researching one type of relationship. If I were to revise your question, I might change it to “what are our expectations on others that we attempt to satisfy ourselves through relationship with friends (or friendship)?” I think by this way, you can look at criteria of being a friend, and what we often attempt to expect on others to offer to satisfy ourselves.

    Hope this helps,
    Bao Lin
