Saturday, May 22, 2010

Hw 58

Both our guest speakers we received in class gave us insights on what's it like being a parent. Our first guest speaker told us that she has three children, a child above 20, one about 19 and another about 14. As a parent who has a long experience, she said that at first, you question everything you do and view all possible consequence before doing anything to your first born child. But as the years develop, you gain experience on how to overcome problems and the best way to deal with them. Once she had her second and third child, she no longer worried as much or questions her ability as a mother. A parent with three child, she recognizes the major life-changing choices (smoking, playing games everyday, being friends with a bad child) and only then does she interfere with the child's life. She wants her children to become what they want to be, but a parent knows best, so she guides them to a better future.
Our second guest speaker just became a father. He carries necessities the child will need such as food, a change of clothes, diapers, and more. As a father caring for his first born child, he has already looked after his daughter with care. Not allowing anyone to touch the child because of fear of infection, and keeping the child of the ground, the father pays close attention to what his child is doing. His philosophy of parenting is the same as our first guest speaker, which is that he will allowing the child certain interest but will guide the child when needed.

We are children of children of children. Our parents take care of us as best as they can from their experience from their parents. Hand-me-down methods, techniques recommended from other parents, and scientific researches all to care for our child in hopes that they will become as healthy and successful as possible. Why do parents go through the stress to care for us? Because we represent them. Our parents are trying to create something, so they mold us in their ideal of success. By caring for us, we reflect their efforts. We reflect their success, their failures, their interest, strengths, weakness and more.
From knowing this, I can see why parents go through the effort of caring for us. Parents are people themselves, and they have gone through the worse of life. They stress over the things we shouldn't do, and by helping us avoid the bad things, they hope to steer us into a good path. But I don't believe that parents should tell their kids to avoid all the bad things in life, because it just makes them that much more addicting. I think kids should experience all the "hazardous to health" things, if only once. I think that parents should introduce their child to new things, to make their child not only more experience but understanding. If a child experience more new things, they have a greater understanding on what goes on in life, and enjoy the world in all its glory and wonder. In conclusion, parents should not be over protective.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Hw 57

There is one quote I base my perspectives on and that is there is no right or wrong. With that said, there is no perfect way to care for a child. Too much attention or too little attention can alter the child's way of life but it doesn't mean that the child will suffer. If you want your child to become something specific (banker, [insert name of sport] player, model, etc) you might guide them towards that general direction, but the outcome will never be the same as your expectations. The techniques created by the listed websites under HW 57 on how to care for a child are merely techniques used by the individuals that listed them and it worked for them. But it does not mean that it will work for everybody.

I believe that a parent should do what they believe best. Everything a parent does will effect their child[ren] one way or another. I believe that the best thing the parent(s) can do is simply do their best. As long as the parent(s) do their best to care for their child[ren], they can at least have confidence and hope in the child's future. And if their child does turn out for the worse, it does not mean their way of parenting is terrible, it just means that either their parenting technique was not right for that specific child or something else in the child's life has set their future off course. If the parent just do their best, they have nothing to blame themselves for.

After reading "What attachment parenting is," I thought that whole thing was a load of garbage. There is no correct way to care for a baby. You can follow these techniques and your child can still turn out completely different than what you'd expect. There is no right way to care for a child and that means that there is no wrong way as well. People have grown up with abusive parents, ones that would leave them in the allies and one can still come out the other side fine. Even Micheal Jackson who has an abusive father, still came out famous. Sure he had some issues but what successful person doesn't? I'm not trying to imply that abusive parents are the key to success, but there is no way to predict the outcome of a child. The article also states that these techniques or "tools" are suppose to be ways to solve a problem, if any, not steps. I do believe that these techniques can be the stepping stones for new parents, but as the parents have more experience, they will soon learn that there are many other techniques that can be used.

The "Continuum Concept," is much more appealing to me. It does not imply a technique that should be practiced. It merely states an observation between a mother who cares for her child versus a child under the care of a strict schedule. The Continuum Concept explains that parents care for their child[ren] in a specific way because of generations of experience and hand-me-down techniques. This site does not specifically say that by using these techniques will a child grow up successful, but it does list a reason why you should not treat an infant like a teenager.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Hw 56

Do you enjoy spending time with your friends?

How do you feel when you spend time with them?

Does your friend benefit you in anyway? If you don't mind can you list them?

Do you feel better spending time with your friends than you do alone?

insanemembrane95:question 1 do you enjoy spending time with your friends?

anonymous: yes i do

insanemembrane95 How do you feel when you spend time with them?

anonymous: it varies with friends. Some i feel happy with and lose track of time. However, sometimes it gets boring and i just leave.

insanemembrane95 Does your friend benefit you in anyway?

anonymous: Yes, it goes both way. I help out in anyway i can and they do the same.

insanemembrane95 and if you don't mind can you list them? or an example

anonymous: well for class i didn't feel like buying a book and they lend me theirs.or wen they take a class they tell me whether the teacher is good or not they give me their old exam questions

insanemembrane95 do you feel better spending time with your friends or alone

anonymous: i like spending time alone most of the time.

question one: do you enjoy spending time with your friends?

anonymous 2: yes

insanemembrane95: how do you feel when you spend time with them?

anonymous 2: happy,stress free

insanemembrane95: does your friend benefit you in anyway?

anonymous 2: yes

insanemembrane95: can you give an example?

anonymous 2: they helped me improved my grades in school because we are always competing for the best grades

insanemembrane95: Do you feel better spending time with your friends than you do alone?

anonymous 2: yes

From these people, they pretty much gave the standard response to my questions. They have friends that benefits them, physically and mentally. They have friends they can rely on in times of great needs and they enjoy spending time with them despite their preferences. Both their ideal friends have a few things in common. First off, their friends seems to not only help during times of needs, reduce stress. While one helps gather books, the other helps with homework assignments. The qualities they both sought for in the types of friends that they want is someone who is responsible and at the same time entertaining to hang out with.

Survey Question:

If you had a choice between choosing a friend who is understanding, and someone you can relate to, or a friend who is very entertaining to hang out with, which would you choose?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Hw 55

My question is "What are our needs that we attempt to satisfy through varies relationships?" and i can specifically talking about friends, or people who wants to be friends with others, or people who just use another. One of my first theories is that they keep you from going insane. How? They keep you company. It's as easy as that. Friends are usually made by first impression, and sticking with them for a long enough time, everything they do almost appeals to you. If your friend and a stranger did the same exact thing, you would notice your friend more. They make you feel good about yourself, and you feel good around your friend. You tell them things you wouldn't normally tell strangers, and you can tell them secrets you keep from your family. A friend can judge you, and make fun of you sometimes, but they will not leave you. They keep you out of your mind and that is a terrible place to be in a long period of time. Have you ever cut off all communications for just one week? You start to think very odd stuff. It's just not healthy for you. Try for just one weekend, and you will see what I am talking about. But I digress, friends keep you out of your mind and keeps you sane with simple interactions such as talking and playing games.

Another way they satisfy your needs is that they acknowledge your existence. Friends are there to ensure you exist and that they matter to someone. that's one of the reasons why people bother their friends. They want to be noticed. That's why people on facebook friends people. Even though they don't know the person, because they are under the list of "friends" they are in a way a friend. Then it becomes a competition on the number of friends someone has. I am not trying to say that people only want friends to be noticed. But that is one of the main reasons why people have friends. Without people to keep you company, you feel alone and unnoticed. Ignored and meaningless.

This is for part of hw 55. Richie, your question is pretty simple, maybe you can expand on it, make it a little more specific. For instance, "What makes a family unique?" is a bit vague. There's too many ways to answers for it. Instead narrow it down. Maybe something like the difference between a family today and the families you see on television. And maybe consider the varies different kinds of a families out there. Is a work place a family? Is an adopted kid consider a family member? etc.

This is for hw 55. Devin, when you answer that question, you should give numbers that proves that poor neighborhood has a large impact on the obesity problem. You should also check up if it is a poor living quality that effects obesity. Maybe some rich neighborhood has the same problem. You should also research the main cause of obesity and why it only effects poor neighborhood.

New Question: What qualities do we look for in a friend to satisfy our basic needs as a human being?

Stevens, J. (1997). How to Grow a friend. Retrieved from

Baridhara S. (December 11, 2003). We need friends. Retrieved from

Stevenson, J. (n.d.). How to Find a true friend. Retrieved from

Schneider, B. (n.d.). Bill schneider's story. Retrieved from

Monday, May 10, 2010

HW 54

My result for the Myers Briggs test is INFP - "Questor". High capacity for caring. Emotional face to the world. High sense of honor derived from internal values. And i got it twice. INFP stands for Introverted, Intuitive, Feelings, and Perceiving and I guess I am. The test is structured to be as accurate as possible. Most of the questions ask if you’re one or the other, then they have one question that verifies this. With this test, it is more of how you see yourself. You are either A or B, there is no other. So this test forces you to think about yourself, and sometimes you see yourself differently, in which case, the test wouldn't be as effective.

According to my class, this test is accurate when categorizing someone. The guesses that were made in the classroom were mostly correct, and many people believe that the test does indeed depict what kind of person you are. But the test only tells you how you act sometimes. Does the test work on people who are mentally unstable? This test might be accurate towards people without mental issues but it leaves the people who are out. So the accuracy of this test only works on people who are mentally stable, but how do you know if the people you are familiar with are mentally healthy?

Monday, May 3, 2010

Hw 53

Some of these questions were rather easy and I could answer without any problems and because no one was looking over my shoulder, I didn't feel like I have to lie as much. Though some of the other questions I had to think about. I had to really dig deep into my head and figure out which answer is most truthful. Those kinds of questions I felt like most people would have trouble with. And some of the questions I honestly can't remember well and even if I'm answering from my perspective, I could be wrong. Because of my awful memory, I can’t remember the most honest answers to some of the questions so some of my answers could be lies. That’s the difficult part of this assignment, whether you really think you tell the truth or not.

Then there are questions that make you really think about your relationships such as, “are there any scapegoats within your family?” And the following, “are you a scapegoat,” or vice versa. This makes you think about your family. I think most people wouldn't want to think about it and just answer no. But sometimes we lie to ourselves thinking that our family is perfect, because if we answer truthfully, we would feel guilty. Answering questions like these are hard to determine the answer because you are conflicting with the love for your family and what you believe to be truw.

A lot of people in my class notice a contradiction between what is answered and what is being said in the hallways. For instance, most people say that they don't care for their parents but when looking at the results, a majority of the people who participated in the survey said they care for their parents. This shows that either the people who participated are lying or what is said in the halls are false. I noticed that the answers they gave on the multiple choices contradict with the answers they gave for the short answers. The choices that were filled in on the multiple questions make it sound like they have a perfect family. A majority of the votes were for things like "your family values you," or "your guardians make an effort to get to know you". But on the short answer, it ask you to write down what the parents think of you, people wrote things like "lazy son," or "a good daughter," and i wonder if they even know what their parents think of them. (for some reason the short responses were not on the link provided. The short answers I picked up were from the print-out sheet in class.)

One pattern I noticed is that all answers chosen seem too fake. Of the fifty-two participants, only one or two people chose the opposite of the majority. Most of answers make these people seem to have a very normal life and I don't believe that. I think that most of the participants are lying knowingly or lying to themselves. Then again maybe it's just me, and that these people do have a happy life, but judging from what the people said about what their parents think of them, I can't help but wonder.

I read the Department of health and mental hygiene...etc. and this might validate the relationship/love part of the class survey. It shows about 50% of the people who took the test has been sexually active and some don't use protection. The article was accurate surprisingly and also caught on about how a majority of them don't use protection. The article was also very specific on where the problem is taking place. They gave a specific percentage of these pregnancy incidents in varies places and race. They have either done an exceptionally well research or they are exaggerating.

The article really surprised me a bit with the amount of work they have shown in their research. They couldn't have gotten this information just by asking people because that would be awkward and weird. T he sources they have I don't have access to but this does help me think up survey questions such as asking the participant a little about themselves such as age and maybe area they live in(not specific streets but like rural, or urban, etc.). Of course because of how anonymous the survey will be to, being precious is going to be difficult so the questions about the person will have to be vague but informal.