Friday, April 30, 2010

Hw 52

There is too many ways to tackle the theories of why we do things and how things motivate us. Why we want love, power, family, friends, etc. But I do believe there is one thing that tops all of these, and it is the choices we make. A person can get hit by both their parents, have no friends, and live in a poor condition and can turn out fine on the other side and vise-versa. It all comes down to what we choose to do and it is the choices we make that create us as a person. We can choose what motivates us and how it motivates us.

Some of us choose to have friends because we don't want to be forgotten. For those who choose to have friends are motivated by the fear of being forgotten. If we can't be remembered by millions of people, we choose to be remembered by as many people as possible. This is the same with family and why we stick to them. We all want to be important, we all want attention because it is human nature. We are born in this world alone, and we are afraid to die alone. You can see this especially in facebook. The more friends you have the more people want to become your friend, even if they don't know you. And when having friends isn't enough, they try talking to you in hopes that you acknowledge their existence. Of course some people crave for attention and go a little too far. It becomes their life goal so they do things such as becoming a hooker, stripper, murderer, an authority of the law, suicidal people, daredevil, etc.

The roles we play are generally for attention but it can also give us power. Roles include ethics, culture, religion (if you have one), a job (if you have one) and your choices. Many other factors can empower or weaken your role but these are the largest of them. Ethics means nothing without culture to a person. You can be born in the west and have a culture similar to the east. Ethnic is only on the list because it influences the way people see you which will result to how they treat you. Culture and religion can affect a person depending on how much a person is loyal to them. What you do and what you say can be greatly influenced by your culture and religion. You do what you believe to be the way of life and you abide to them.

Roles in family are different than the roles we play outside. The roles you play usually are assigned to you at first such as the role of a good child, the cute child, etc. But as time goes on you develop your own persona and your own roles because you want to be unique not a copy-cat. By playing a different role you gain your own types of attention. Some play the role of bad child because of the attention they want. Some play the responsible one to get good attention from their parents. The list of roles can go on and on. Even adults continue to play these roles to gain attention from other people such as their love parent, siblings, and relatives. We continue these roles because we have no option but to play these roles. We participate in them even before we are born, when parents are expecting a healthy perfect child.

A job is something funny. It can change a person from their culture and religion. When you grow up, you are usually surrounded by people who teach you of their culture and religion. You right away feel accepted because these people are teaching you of their ways. A job, similar to school, introduces you to new people with new culture and religion, forcing you to see a whole new way of living. You can be a bully at first and if you hang out with pacifist, the bully will convert to a pacifist. If the bully hangs out with other bullies, he might find new ways of bullying people. A job and school provides a new environment that can change or empower someone’s role.

Choice is the most important factor. What you choose and what your choices are will affect you whether you accept or neglect things such as religion, culture, people with different interest, and so many others. Even the list of choices you provide for yourself can effect who you are. We even choose to accept or neglect things we don't notice such as advertisement, propaganda, and subliminal messages. You can break down choices to other factors such as your feelings, urges, and other human emotions. Your choices toward these things will change you as a person or these things will change the choices you provide for yourself. One way or another you will come out a differently after you choose.

All of these will effect what kind of life you want. We do things to achieve something in life. This life achievement can be our motivation, our choice, our guide, and/or our life. All of these factors in previous paragraphs can change or be change depending on your life goal. And honestly there are no good or bad life goals. It can be something similar to Charles Manson, or Bill Gates. Your life goal shouldn't have to revolve around the people close to you or people in need. Your life is your life, no one else. You can choose to be motivated positively or negatively by random people, live life or hide, etc. So many factors can change your entire perspective on how and why to live life.

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