Saturday, February 20, 2010

Hw 40

(I asked certain people certain question. The following people wish to remain unknown. Anyways i asked these people certain questions that fit who they are today. For instance in this interview i did not ask the person younger than me what school was like twenty years ago.)

Q1. What has school improved on the past few years?

Q2. Does the grading system accurately depicts what kind of student they are? What other skills should be added to the report cards?

Q3. Do you think the lessons in school are useful in real life situations? Which ones are and which ones aren't?

Q4. What sorts of classes would you add to school that could benefit our future?

Q5. If you could, how would you improve the school?

Interview 1:
A1. Schools have not improve at all.
A4. School should have classes that teaches you how to spend and save money. Kids these days spend way too much. Also classes that teaches you how to get a job if you don't plan to go to college.
A5. Replace teachers with more dedicated ones that are very persuasive so they can connect with students more.

Interview 2:
A1: Nothing, you students are getting dumber and dumber by the minute. Should have school seven days a week.
A2. No because girls can have sex with teachers and get good grades.
A3: That depends on the person themselves and what they are interested in.

~What is the point of school?

There is no point, there should be no school so I don't have to pay taxes. Teachers are overpaid. If they want students to learn they should do it for free.

Interview 3:
A3: Religion is useless, math literacy, literature, writing and science are useful.
A4: Sanitation, how to keep clean.
A5: Get better computers.

Interview 4:
A2: For the grading system, they need to add more details about the student. Such as how they are in class, what kind of person they are, what interest do they have, etc.
A3: The elementary lessons were probably the most useful for almost any job. Things you learn in high school are harder to use in everyday situation and even if you do find one, the math is just complicated that you can't do it in your head.
A4: They need classes that teaches kids how to deal with real life scenarios. For instance, how to put out a fire, or what to do during a robbery. Things like that are more useful.

Part B

I find what these people say to be common today. It seems that everyone blames school for the screw ups in today's world and i don't blame them. People are expected to go to school and many people will think that a kid becomes who they are today because of school. I also found that people seems to have an idea of how to improve school. Whether its another class or a complete makeover, everyone has something to say. Whats important is that everyone is affected by school whether they attend or not and everyone feels that a person is who they are today because of school. Although i disagree, it is a fairly logical thinking and nowadays, parents have high standards for their kinds in hopes that they will achieve the impossible. And if they don't there is always school to blame.

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