Monday, February 22, 2010

Hw 41

One of the questions i asked my interviewees is what kind of classes should be added to school. The interviewee said there should be a class that helps financially. Coincidentally i found another person who thought of that as well. Peter Anderson posted on the web about how everyone has no idea how to maintain the amount of money they have and some adults today don't fully understand how to balance their checks, budget, credit card etc. Anderson posted this:

In this website a question was posted "What subject not currently studied in school should be included in the curriculum?" This is not a forum however but where people post up essays. Ranging from adding classes such as politics, and how to improve school, the nine people that posted an essay have something to say about the question and schools. They also back up these ideas with personal interaction. The top post, J. Russ, wrote that the lessons learned in school are more important than we think.

One of my other questions were ways to improve school. A website with a list of ways to improve school by the Texas School Performance Reviews. In nine years, the schools in Texas have made over 3,500 different ways to improve their school. They made a top ten list posted on the web and definitions of how to do this.
This website really only talks about how to save money and how to make a school last long. I found it interesting that there is no talk about educations but rather the school itself. The "improvements" are more about how to save taxpayers money,

Same question before but with a different website. This is more of an enthusiastic approach on how to improve school. Not just improving school but improving how lessons should be taught, rather then textbook reading, students go outside to study this. Teachers are not just teachers but mentors guiding students every step of the way. Upgrade school supplies and get parents more involved. Sadly enough, even though they have come up with real life examples, this will probably never come true. For instance, some students aren't looking to learn, and some teachers just want to get paid for what they are worth. Some schools don't have enough money to get better techs and our parents would probably complain if they have to help teach a their child when they are paying the school to do so. Anyways, here's the site:

In my search for my question does school prepare you for real life, i came across the debate between homeschoolers and public school. My initial thoughts were that public school would provide more of a real life situation because of the diversity of the school from every corner of the city. But in this website, the parents are suggesting that home-school kids learn just as much about socializing than kids who goes to public schools. Some homeschooling parents teach a a handful of kids of different ages while teaching them the same topics.


I decided to go a different direction on my research for a more interesting one. Instead of finding out what types of classes should be added to a school, i want to know exactly what kind of child is society trying to breed? Health is not the issue, though more and more kids today are vulnerable to diseases. I want to know what is everyone looking for in a child, is it discipline? Is it intelligence? Is it a bright future? If parents are looking for these things yet believe that children today are as stupid as ever, then they haven't done their job. If parents are responsible for a childs' outcome, then they need to take a stand and fight for what they believe in. True that they have jobs, but if they don't have time for their children, then they shouldn't complain when they don't know their child well enough. I tried looking online to see what kind of child is society trying to mold us into. Unfortunately, it's not as much of a hot topic as i hoped, so i gathered what i can get:

In this site ( Candida tries to explain our flaws. Societies "selfish, self-serving, egotistical and demanding monsters." In this article, she blames the advancement in modern technology for children today robbing banks, getting raped, underage drinking, etc. And to solve all this problem, the only thing the parents have to say to stop this chaos is "no." I like to see this work. "No," doesn't have much effect as it us to. Nowadays, after a parent disagrees, I would think the child would complain and whine, then go out of their own way to make the parent regret their decision. If that doesn't work, then the child will go about, depending on friends and maybe other relatives to get what they want. It's funny how much smarter children have gotten, even though parents call us idiots.

One popular topic is "how to get your kids to behave." One phrase they use a lot is "guerrilla parenting" techniques which i thought was funny. I found it funny because they refer this name to guerrilla warfare. Basically a small battalion used to fight. Have you ever heard of Sun Tzu, wrote the book art of war? One of the quotes he wrote was something like, fight with a large group, win with a small group. I feel like over the a course of the years, parenting has gone from a battle to a war. Guerrilla parenting is basically when a child acts up, the parent will act differently so to catch the children off guard. Not necessarily the opposite, but different then how one would normally act. (

I found a very funny topic: when should child be exposed of the reality? We are brought up to be good little kids and made examples from imaginary characters like santa claus and other imaginary angel characters. Do we really need an imaginary character to represent the nature of child? I feel that children should be exposed to reality when they have a conscience. If you represent good with a false character then does good only exist in false lies? This is my opinion, this could all be bullshit, but here's the site:(

My new question is what kind of child is society, as a whole, trying to mold? Because everyone knows you can't be a good boy or girl but have "freedom." At least i don't believe that. And everyone is looking for something different in a child. Some parents want profit. Some want happiness, depression for their child. Others want their child to be a hero, remembered, a revolutionary, something big. And parents think they have it hard.

This topic of what kind of person society is trying to imprint in our children is a really big topic but one that cannot be discussed by me alone. And this kind of topic is not only talking about me, but about every children and anyone who considers themselves a child. So gullible at a young age, were ripe for the taken if anyone cared to. To me, society is trying to make us happy and successful when they themselves aren't. Trying to make us the solution to their problems if any. I can't say much because this is what i feel, we are the answer to all of society's problems, but we are also the beginning of another problem. And we as children grown up into adults, will think like our parents, and feel like children are the answer to our future problems.
Schools will ultimate be apart of our lives whether we like it or not. Even if one of us didn't go to school, that person would be affected by everyone around them because everyone else went to school. Schools help us make decision, that's how i feel about school. I don't think they can influence a good life or a bad life upon a student because first off, everyone has their on views on bad and good and secondly, a student can react differently, so if a school were to teach about fighting crimes, the student can rebel against this idea. And its hard to be certain whether school has done a good or bad job on a student. They could have have done what they today without school's help.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Hw 40

(I asked certain people certain question. The following people wish to remain unknown. Anyways i asked these people certain questions that fit who they are today. For instance in this interview i did not ask the person younger than me what school was like twenty years ago.)

Q1. What has school improved on the past few years?

Q2. Does the grading system accurately depicts what kind of student they are? What other skills should be added to the report cards?

Q3. Do you think the lessons in school are useful in real life situations? Which ones are and which ones aren't?

Q4. What sorts of classes would you add to school that could benefit our future?

Q5. If you could, how would you improve the school?

Interview 1:
A1. Schools have not improve at all.
A4. School should have classes that teaches you how to spend and save money. Kids these days spend way too much. Also classes that teaches you how to get a job if you don't plan to go to college.
A5. Replace teachers with more dedicated ones that are very persuasive so they can connect with students more.

Interview 2:
A1: Nothing, you students are getting dumber and dumber by the minute. Should have school seven days a week.
A2. No because girls can have sex with teachers and get good grades.
A3: That depends on the person themselves and what they are interested in.

~What is the point of school?

There is no point, there should be no school so I don't have to pay taxes. Teachers are overpaid. If they want students to learn they should do it for free.

Interview 3:
A3: Religion is useless, math literacy, literature, writing and science are useful.
A4: Sanitation, how to keep clean.
A5: Get better computers.

Interview 4:
A2: For the grading system, they need to add more details about the student. Such as how they are in class, what kind of person they are, what interest do they have, etc.
A3: The elementary lessons were probably the most useful for almost any job. Things you learn in high school are harder to use in everyday situation and even if you do find one, the math is just complicated that you can't do it in your head.
A4: They need classes that teaches kids how to deal with real life scenarios. For instance, how to put out a fire, or what to do during a robbery. Things like that are more useful.

Part B

I find what these people say to be common today. It seems that everyone blames school for the screw ups in today's world and i don't blame them. People are expected to go to school and many people will think that a kid becomes who they are today because of school. I also found that people seems to have an idea of how to improve school. Whether its another class or a complete makeover, everyone has something to say. Whats important is that everyone is affected by school whether they attend or not and everyone feels that a person is who they are today because of school. Although i disagree, it is a fairly logical thinking and nowadays, parents have high standards for their kinds in hopes that they will achieve the impossible. And if they don't there is always school to blame.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Hw 39

1. Why do people go to school when they know what to do when they grow up? Shouldn't they just put them in an environment where they learn the requirements for that job (maybe after elementary school)?

2. Schools are suppose to teach children, so why do some school do better then others? Is it because the teachers don't care? If a school is better then another, doesn't that make the lesser school obsolete?

3. Why are we learning things that will not help us in the future, especially when we are just going to forget how to use it? Wouldn't it be a waste of valuable time learning things we won't need when we could be learning how to deal with certain situations?

4. School could be a means to babysit us while our parents are away.

5. School help train kids to do things for themselves.

6. Schools are design to help us in the world

7. There's lots of diversity in school.

8. Teachers aren't as enthusiastic about their job as you would hope.

9. School have different rules and policies.

I feel like school is an imitation of life with safety nets i.e. teachers and other adults. What you do in school is observed by teachers who obviously lived as an adult. They train students to become adults. We sit and listen in class because more people will become a white collar. If we do anything inappropriate then the teachers are there to help us better ourselves. This is how I believe school is treating us. School is teaching us that for better or for worse, your able to come out the other side fine if you know what to do and how to approach it. Either that or they are teaching us to babysit and look good. We learn things in high school that we don't really need. I don't even think the teachers believe the lessons they teach are of any use. We're hear because we are at the point where we are done learning all the basic stuff from elementary school but too young to start our lives. Our minds too simple to have the status of adulthood.

What ever the reason is, one thing is for sure and it is that we are trained. We are trained to write, to speck, walk, dress, eat, the way people around us do. We are trained to act "civil," every single one of us children because we can't think for ourselves at all. We are the future, a bunch are people trained to act like people, "normal" people. If we don't act accordingly, we are put away so there's no confusion to how we are suppose to act. If we speck our minds, normals label them as blasphemy. They train us to the core, now we feel, think, act, react accordingly to the people around us. We see, we do.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Hw 38

The past few years, I have completed nothing in my life. I have done many of my homework just to have more homework stacked on top of it. I have cleaned my clothes just to have them dirty again. I read a book just to finish and read another. I have eaten just to starve again. I have taken showers just to be dirty again. I have slept just to sleep again. What is the point of all this repeated process? I have walked to school just to walk back home. I have learn basics just to learn the complicated lessons. Sometimes I wonder if all of this will end...
As a great man once said, "Do not let your school get in the way of your education." Well, it is harder done then said. Everyday, I hope that this day won't be like yesterday: Kids talk loud, trying to top one another, telling each other their secrets discreetly while telling the whole school. A push and a shove here, pointless bickering, laughing, and dancing. Then everyone turns their attention to a single crowd that has manage to grab hold of everyone's leash. Fucking dogs. This certain group consist of jockeys, teasers, jokers, and loud mouths. This is what everyone idolize. They snap their finger and everyone acts as though they are familiar to them, like they know that they are kings and queens of some sort. The entire school was a drama club, nothing more then what you see in Broadway. I am a student, this is my school, and it is getting in the way of my education. Now before the accident occurred, I envy these idiots. They don't think like a pessimist and worry about the actions they take and feel like it will come back to haunt them, nor worry about what they are going to do with their lives, unlike me. No, the only thing they care about is the situation they are in now, which is "how can i be one of the cool people", or if they already one, "how can i keep my stats up?" Sounds like politics to me. Well that all changed over time.
Six days and seven hours before the accident: The "single crowd" i was referring too, everyone knew them. There was Tom and Cleveland, both on the football team. But the story isn't about them. There's Craig, who seems to joke about everything, and seems to always wear a cocky smile. But this story isn't about him. There's Jessica and Jill, cheerleaders, and very cute. But this isn't about them. This is about their leader, for every group has but one leader, and her name was Tina. Tina lives in a mansion on the far side of town, owned by both her wealthy and successful parents who were gone most of the time. So they wired her money, and hope that she can become independent just as they were. Their plans backfired when they told their butlers and maids that their daughter was in charge. Ever since then, she has told her "servants" what to do, and what they can't do. She developed dependency issues along with a bitchy attitude, and took advantage of her wired money to pretty up her body. It was depressing really, and what's more depressing is that every guy wants her, and every girl wants to be like her. Isn't life complicated? Anyways, the highlight of the day was that Tina was having a party over at her place, in six day.
Four days and seven hours before the accident: I've heard it all, boy telling other boys who they are going to bag and bang next, girl describing in detail what they are going to dress to the party. Everyone was invited, so it's no wonder why people are talking about the party as though they know exactly what's going to happen. Some people will amaze you with the kind of stuff their into. People planning to bring firecrackers, cigarettes, wine bottles, condoms. All this illegal shit under one house and whose going to rat us out? The servants? As the class leave humanities, we witness Tina's bitchy side. She pinned a kid against his locker, with all her friends surrounding him, like they were going to mob him. She apparently was angry at the fact that he gave her the wrong answers for homework. She pushed the kids so hard against the lockers you'd wonder where the teachers are. After another shove, and another shout, she left the dog whimpering. And all we did was wonder if that kid is uninvited to the party.
Two days and five hours before the accident: Last class of the day, on a Friday is usually the time of day where kids should hit by a nun wielding a ruler. Fifty minutes of laughing, taunting, disrespectful kids. Kids sitting on their desk, talking to their friends again about the party. By this time, the teacher is either sitting on their chair planning out their weekend, or in the bathroom taking a long break. There's Tina in the classroom, having other girls apply finger nail polish for her. She has that superior air around her that leaves kids feeling uncomfortable when they are too close. The bell rings and we all leave as one lucky jockey gets picked to give Tina a piggyback ride to her limo outside the school.
Twenty-two hours before the accident: I lie in bed thinking about how life is very much repeated over and over and over. It's no wonder why history repeats itself. You can only do something enough times before you screw up or give up. We do things each day that same as the day before, but for what? For the experience, the pleasure, the status, the attention? Why does a person want to be like that certain group? It seems like they have everything given to them because of who they are. They wear make ups to pretty the face they can't stand, they bully people so it's to not look weak, they scream and shout for dominance, they hang in groups so they don't look lonely or independent. Why do we worship such abomination? It's not just high school kids, but adults as well. From movie stars, to singers, etc. They're all acts so why do we envy those people?
About thirty minutes into the party: What happened was a prank that involved Tina, an expensive perfume bottle, and nitroglycerin. Apparently someone bought some of this nitroglycerin and replace what was in the perfume with it, as a prank. The perfume bottle exploded and the glass particles injured many people within a five feet radius. But the real victim was the person holding the bottle, expecting a spray of liquid dust with a familiar scent of dandelions, and not an explosion that ruptures her face scaring her for life, Tina. And, just like in Broadway, we all scream and dance frantically, each of us doing their part whether it'd be running, screaming for help, or dialing nine-one-one. We all look so nice for our parts, short hair brushed back with a blaze tuxedo with a bow tie, and formal shoes, or a long brushed down hair with a long shiny dress to match the hair with high heels. We all look so pretty for such a tragic event.
Epilogue: A month later, people started talking about Tina. The accident disfigured her face so badly the surgeons couldn't fix it. They closed up her wounds with the extra skin from her body. Now her face looks like yoda with blonde hair. When she came back, she lost her status. Her friends won't hang out with her anymore, the nerds won't help with her homework. Because she was so dependent on people, her parents quit their jobs to take care of their daughter. And i realize why we repeat things everyday for so long. To learn and experience things. We do different agendas everyday to learn different things. We read a book to help see things differently, we see things differently we learn how to appreciate things. We clean our dirty clothes because it's valuable to us. We repeat things every single day in hopes that we learn something from it. The more agenda, the more experience. The more experience, the bigger our opportunity. Take for example, the jockeys. They learn how to deal with their status and attention because that's the way they want to live. They want to be a successful athlete, they need college degrees. With college, you need some type of learning. Think the girls who pretty themselves up. They research designs, and modelings, one day they will know what to do and how to do them. They all have agendas and learn from it. Tina had nothing, and invested everything on her looks. She learns from her looks and without it, she has nothing.